Credo and specs for macro-generated functions

Hi everyone!
I’m searching for a hint for a problem I cannot understand if it is in my code or a third party misbehaviour.
I’m currently working on a project linted by wonderful credo where I have enabled Credo.Check.Readability.Specs to enforce specs on public functions.

Now, I’m creating with a macro a bunch of functions with the same /arity but different matches based on a couple of parameters, e.g.

# example.exs
defmodule SpecMe do
  defmacro __using__(attrs) do
    for attr <- attrs do
      quote do
        def unquote(attr)(attr = unquote(attr)), do: Atom.to_string(attr)
        def unquote(attr)(attr), do: attr |> Atom.to_string() |> String.reverse()

# usage
defmodule UseSpec do
  use SpecMe, [:ab, :bc, :cd]

UseSpec.ab(:ab) |> IO.inspect()
UseSpec.ab(:bc) |> IO.inspect()

UseSpec.bc(:bc) |> IO.inspect()
UseSpec.bc(:cd) |> IO.inspect()

You can run the example to see it compiles and work with elixir example.exs
You can trigger the check on a credo-enabled project (configured with the check enabled) with mix credo example.exs
You should see a Functions should have a @spec type specification
( code also available via gist, but you’ll still need a credo-enabled project to run mix against it )

Things I tried:

  • putting @spec unquote(attr)(...) wrapping a generic definition e.g.
@spec unquote(attr)(...) :: ...
def unquote(attr)(params)
  • putting @spec unquote(attr)(...) before the first def
  • since my practical example is slightly more complex, putting it in a different quote/do block before the cycle, since I know the name before it, and returning the corresponding ast

Please note that also the name is dynamic, and more clauses are defined for the same name. If I refactor everything to have a static name and put a normal spec on it, it does not complain.
I’m therefore stuck in not understanding a couple of things:

  • it seems to me I’m failing in setting @spec. I know @ is a macro that wraps Module.get_attribute but since it is in fact setting spec during compilation I imagine it has a special treatment, but I’m probably doing things wrong while trying to set it
  • I don’t fully understand why credo is pointing directly at my code inside __using__ and not against the real module using the macro. It seems it is really pointing to those def , but I may be missing a lot of things that happen during compilation

Anyone has any hint regarding this issue? Thanks in advance!


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Instead of trying to build the spec dynamically I’d probably build the AST of the spec in the macro body and unquote the complete AST as the value for @spec.

You can use quote to figure out how the AST of a spec needs to look like:

iex(3)> quote do: @spec some_function(map()) :: term()
{:@, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
   {:spec, [context: Elixir],
    [{:"::", [], [{:some_function, [], [{:map, [], []}]}, {:term, [], []}]}]}

So your macro could look something like this:

defmacro __using__(attrs) do
  for attr <- attrs do
    spec_params = …
    spec_return = …
    spec = {:"::", [], [{attr, [], spec_params}, spec_return]}
    quote do
      @spec unquote(spec)
      def unquote(attr)(attr = unquote(attr)), do: Atom.to_string(attr)
      def unquote(attr)(attr), do: attr |> Atom.to_string() |> String.reverse()

Thanks for the hint! This has been super useful since I didn’t thought about this technique!
It is still not working with the same outcome (specs are created in both scenarios, e.g. seeable with h, but credo complains about them not being present)
I’m starting to think I may try to file a report, but will try to poke around a bit more before!

For whoever it may concern, I ended up writing directly on a similar issue in credo’s repo and it seems it is a current (and maybe not solvable :smiling_face_with_tear:) limitation in credo being a static analyzer

Thanks for the hints and kindness, as always <3