Credo rule to dissallow calls to specific functions

I have a project currently that I want to ban calls to some functions. Currently, all of those functions are either from a library or standard elixir library.

Since I have already a credo pipeline running, I was wondering if it would be possible to define a custom rule for this, or maybe there is already an existing rule for this (I could not find it).

Has anyone managed to do this successfully?

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I haven’t seen such rule and don’t know how to implement it but I’m curious about your use case as I too want to do something similar. In my case it’s related to capability-based development.

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I made one to ban assign/2. then is next :slight_smile:

defmodule GelaSkins.Credo.NoCallsToAssign2 do
  @moduledoc """
  Checks that `Phoenix.LiveView.assign/2` can't be called.

  # you can configure the basics of your check via the `use Credo.Check` call
  use Credo.Check,
    base_priority: :high,
    category: :custom,
    exit_status: 0,
    explanations: [
      check: """
      Always use `assign/3` in favour of `assign/2`.

      This forces a pipeline when using multiple assigns.  The advantage here is
      that assigns may be added, removed, and re-ordered easily (no commas to deal
      with) making diffs nicer.  It also means you must explicitly name the
      parameters accepted by LiveComponents.  You cannot simply do
      `assign(socket, assigns)`.

  @doc false
  @impl true
  def run(%SourceFile{} = source_file, params \\ []) do
    # IssueMeta helps us pass down both the source_file and params of a check
    # run to the lower levels where issues are created, formatted and returned
    issue_meta = IssueMeta.for(source_file, params)

    # Finally, we can run our custom made analysis.
    # In this example, we look for lines in source code matching our regex:
    Credo.Code.prewalk(source_file, &traverse(&1, &2, [], issue_meta))

  defp traverse({:|>, _, [{:socket, _, _}, {:assign, meta, [_]}]} = ast, issues, [], issue_meta) do
    {ast, issues ++ [issue_for(:assign, meta[:line], issue_meta)]}

  defp traverse({:assign, meta, [{:socket, _, _}, [_]]} = ast, issues, [], issue_meta) do
    {ast, issues ++ [issue_for(:assign, meta[:line], issue_meta)]}

  defp traverse(ast, issues, _, _issue_meta) do
    {ast, issues}

  defp issue_for(trigger, line_no, issue_meta) do
      message: "Only use assign/3",
      line_no: line_no,
      trigger: trigger

It also checks for a single pipe into assign. I can’t remember why I did this instead of using the existing credo rule but I assume it’s because sometimes I’m ok with single pipes. This was a while ago.


Nice! This is exactly what I was looking for.

Do you think it’s possible to define all the banned functions in a single check or there are advantages to having them separated?

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I’d say it’s definitely fine to do all of them in a single check. Certainly less code. I think the only advantage in using multiple checks is giving more details about why specific functions are banned per error as opposed to just a big “don’t a or b or c or d” but if you aren’t distributing it then one big one is fine.

Rereading this a perhaps slightly clearer way to write the check would be:

  defp traverse({:assign, meta, [args, [_]]} = ast, issues, [], issue_meta)
       when elem(args, 0) == :socket and len(args) == 3 do
    {ast, issues ++ [issue_for(:assign, meta[:line], issue_meta)]}

EDIT: I royally hecked up my refactor there—it made no sense as I was using elem on a list and && in a guard :grimacing: :sweat_smile: Fixed it, but now it’s only maybe marginally better.

EDIT 2: I should really stop answering questions first thing in the morning. I re-edited it, not that is really matters :upside_down_face: I also realized the way I had it there it’s possible to get around the rule by not calling the socket variable socket, so perhaps you don’t even want to check for that. Ok, I’m really done now (probably, lol).


Last update: I release I was wrong, based on the first arg to issue_for you can determine which function was called and tailor the error there. So really it just seems to be about the moduledoc as well as being able to easily turn certain ones on and off, but in your situation I would say there are no disadvantages.

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Do you need to have a Credo rule for this or is the goal just to block calls to those functions? If you don’t need to necessarily use Credo, take a look at the Boundary library.

I am already using Boundary, but that is only good to organize the application code. I need specifically to block functionality either from standard or external libraries.

Doesn’t it actually raise warnings at compilation time? I imagine that could be paired with mix compile --warning-as-errors, no!? From the roadmap, it seems it also supports validating calls to external deps.

I think theoretically you could do that, however I think that using Boundary in this case is not a good fit, especially since I have multiple top boundaries in my application.

I personally use Boundary to organize business logic in well-structured module hierarchies. Banning function calls falls in the lint region of the project, where this is more of a enforceable guideline to follow for existing and new code.

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I mean, that’s a core feature of the library, but since it’s a matter of preference, I’m glad you found something that works for you with Credo. Good luck with it :four_leaf_clover: :+1:

I am not sure that is true, I personally don’t want my lint rules to be located in application code.

I will soon start going deeper in the topic of heavy linting of the project and then maybe I will have more insights on downsides of each approach.

@D4no0 is talking about outright banning functions everywhere. This is certainly a linting concern. Boundary is used to describe application boundaries, what we’re talking about in this thread is stylistic choices of what functions can be used.

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Ok, I see what you mean now. The way I read the question seemed more like an application concern to block specific calls, but the idea is to check arbitrary functions across the application (and probably across boundaries). I’m glad you found a solution.


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Apologies for the continued commenting here but I was doing a bit more of this stuff and I realized that it isn’t checking for single pipe, it’s checking for the piped version. Since the AST is different I believe the only way is to check for both versions but perhaps there is a cleaner way?

Yes, I tried on a codebase littered with piped keyword assigns and at some point I saw many false negatives. I played with the rule but couldn’t find a better approach.

Oh! Do you have an example? I only ever used it on a codebase that I was the only developer on and of course I didn’t try and break the rules often :sweat_smile: It grew pretty sizeable, though.