Hello Elixir and Nerves community,
I have been working for a while on an open-source embedded key-value database for Elixir, that I called CubDB
. I use it for several IoT projects I run using Nerves, where I need to store large-ish amount of data locally to the device.
I am already using it in production, but before I release version 1.0.0 I would love some feedback from the Nerves (and Elixir) community.
You can find the CubDB repository here
And here the API documentation
A quick basic usage example:
{:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link("my/data/directory")
CubDB.put(db, :foo, "some value")
#=> :ok
CubDB.get(db, :foo)
#=> "some value"
CubDB.delete(db, :foo)
#=> :ok
CubDB.put(db, {:keys, "can", :be, 'anything'}, ["and", :values, 'too'])
#=> :ok
# Check out docs for advanced usage with select/3 and get_and_update_multi/4
I know that Elixir comes with ETS/DETS and Mnesia, but:
ETS is not persistent across reboots
DETS does not offer sorted collections, and is thus not ideal when one needs to select arbitrary ranges of keys, iterate in order, etc.
Mnesia is great, but on embedded projects I don’t need distribution
Sometimes I really just need a “persisted map”, sorted by key
It’s nice to be able to backup the whole DB by just copying one file
The use-cases I am primarily targeting is what described in this blog post by the Nerves team: Using Ecto and Sqlite3 with Nerves - Embedded Elixir
is somehow similar to SQLite in which it stores the data locally in a single file, but it is written in Elixir, is key-value and schema-less, and both keys and values can be any Elixir (or Erlang) terms, so no serialization/de-serialization is needed.
The data structure it uses is an append-only immutable B-tree, inspired by CouchDB: that guarantees robustness to data corruption (no in-place mutation), and enables features like concurrent read operations that do not block writes, and atomic transactions.
It was already a lot of fun for me to develop it, but I would love to hear your constructive feedback.
What do you think about it? Do you have a use-case where this could be useful? Do you have feedback about the API?
Thanks in advance