Custom Order of Nested Form Associations

I’m rendering a form that has multiple associations with multiple corresponding inputs_for. There’s no issue trying to group the like associations together, however if I need to group them in a specific order, for example in the form:

-sub entity 1
-sub entity 2
-sub entity 1

I’m hoping to get some ideas on ways to handle this.

Here’s a bit about the dummy project:

I have my Entity and two associated sub-entities:

defmodule MyApp.Entity do
  schema "entities" do
    has_many :sub_entity_1, SubEntity1
    has_many :sub_entity_2, SubEntity2

And then my form:

<%= form_for @entity_changeset, Routes.entity_path(@conn, :create), fn f -> %>

<%= inputs_for f, :sub_entity_1, fn fi -> %>
  <%= textarea fi, :value  %>
<% end %>

<%= inputs_for f, :sub_entity_2, fn fi -> %>
  <%= textarea fi, :value  %>
<% end %>

<% end %>

Is there way to maybe specify the that I want to not group all the sub_entity_1 and sub_entity_2 together? I looked through the docs for inputs_for, and it says that it can be used to work with single entities, but couldn’t find anything more on how that would work for my case (

If you don’t want to group together you can just call inputs_for multiple times?