Dbg() in a `with` sequence?

dbg() is one of my favorite Elixir features: placing it somewhere in a pipe of function calls outputs all the intermediate results. It’s great for debugging parsing code. Like this:

    meta_date =
      |> Floki.find("meta[property='article:published_time']")
      |> Floki.attribute("content")
      |> List.first()
      |> parse_date_text()
      |> dbg()

Well, now I’m starting to use with instead of |>. Is it possible to get that dbg() behavior? I haven’t figured it out. For example:

  @spec parse_human_date_string(binary) :: nil | Date.t
  def parse_human_date_string(text) when is_binary(text) do
    with [_, raw_month, raw_day, year] <- Regex.run(~r/^(.+) (.+), (\d\d\d\d)$/, text),
          day        <- String.pad_leading(raw_day, 2, "0"),
          month_num  <- Integer.to_string(Enum.find_index(@months, &(&1 == raw_month)) + 1),
          month      <- String.pad_leading(month_num, 2, "0"),
         {:ok, date} <- Date.from_iso8601("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}"),
         dbg() do  ### THIS IS WHAT I'D LIKE TO DO ###
      _ -> nil

Then I’d get the results of each “line” of the with.

Never mind—it freakin’ works. Amazing.

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Wait, what did you do!? Simply placing a dbg() as its own clause didn’t work for me. Is it exactly as in your example?

Yep, just make dbg() one of the clauses. I’ll paste here the actual running code and the output. I’m pretty sure it’s the same as above:

  @spec parse_human_date_string(binary) :: Date.t | nil
  def parse_human_date_string(text) when is_binary(text) do
    with [_, raw_month, raw_day, year] <- Regex.run(~r/^(.+) (.+), (\d\d\d\d)$/, text),
          day        <- String.pad_leading(raw_day, 2, "0"),
          month_num  <- Integer.to_string(Enum.find_index(@months, &(&1 == raw_month)) + 1),
          month      <- String.pad_leading(month_num, 2, "0"),
         {:ok, date} <- Date.from_iso8601("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}"),
         dbg() do
      _ -> nil
~/s/P/oregon-revised-statutes-crawler ❯❯❯ mix test                                                       refactor ✱
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Generated crawlers app
................................................................................................................................[lib/news/date_modified.ex:99: News.DateModified.parse_human_date_string/1]
binding() #=> [
  date: ~D[2023-12-05],
  day: "05",
  month: "12",
  month_num: "12",
  raw_day: "5",
  raw_month: "December",
  text: "December 5, 2023",
  year: "2023"

..........[lib/news/date_modified.ex:99: News.DateModified.parse_human_date_string/1]
binding() #=> [
  date: ~D[1997-05-26],
  day: "26",
  month: "05",
  month_num: "5",
  raw_day: "26",
  raw_month: "May",
  text: "May 26, 1997",
  year: "1997"

..[lib/news/date_modified.ex:99: News.DateModified.parse_human_date_string/1]
binding() #=> [
  date: ~D[2020-01-01],
  day: "01",
  month: "01",
  month_num: "1",
  raw_day: "1",
  raw_month: "January",
  text: "January 1, 2020",
  year: "2020"

Finished in 0.9 seconds (0.4s async, 0.5s sync)
17 doctests, 130 tests, 0 failures

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BTW, @josevalim this is mind-blowingly good.

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OIC, dbg() without explicit args (or pipe) just outputs the current binding which I never realized before.

For example:

if true do
  a = 1
binding() #=> [a: 1]


PS, I wasn’t able to get it to work before because I was being dumb and trying this: with 1 <- 1, 2 <- 2, dbg(), do: "hi" so of course I got binding() #=> [] :person_facepalming:

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OIC, dbg() without explicit args (or pipe) just outputs the current binding which I never realized before.

That’s exactly what I’m inferring. It’s fantastic fall-back behavior for when no args are given. I suppose I could look at the docs :stuck_out_tongue:

with 1 <- 1

Lol, yeah. Nice little gotcha. No bindings to speak of!

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