I wanted to see how others deal with private and public function defaults conflict. In my context I like to have public functions that take the current_user from the request what ever other arguments are needed with a “matching” private function that only takes the arguments after the public function does some authorization.
here is a quick example of update user
# user context
def update_user(%User{} = current_user, %UpdateUser{} = update_user) do
with :ok <- authorize(:update_user, current_user, update_user),
{:ok, updated_user} <- update_user(update_user) do
# some logic
defp update_user(%UpdateUser{} = update_user) do
# some logic
This works great 95% of the time but sometimes certain functions need to have default parameters
def list_company_users(%User{} = current_user, company_id, filters \\ %{}) do
# some logic
defp list_company_users(company_id, filters) do
# some logic
For situations like this there is a conflict of having a private and a public function defp list_company_users/2 conflicts with defaults from list_company_users/3
As a hacky workaround I made the arguments of the private function a tuple.
defp list_company_users({company_id, filters}) do
# some logic
I was curious if anyone else used a similar pattern and what solution they’ve taken when running into this issue.
Personally I’d use different names for the private functions. To add to this I know _function is pretty common for private, personally I use function/do_function
def update_user
defp do_update_user
Anything will work as long as you’re consistent though then you don’t have to go check the def.
There is no way to detect if You call list_company_users/3 without filter, and list_company_users/2
You might add guard clauses…
# Use when is_binary if You use binary id.
def list_company_users(%User{} = current_user, company_id, filters \\ %{}) when is_integer(company_id) do
# some logic
defp list_company_users(company_id, filters) when is_map(filters) do
# some logic
I also prefer do_* for private functions…
You might also check how to use function’s signature
Personally I would recommend against prefixing them with do_ most of the times.
If you can find a more descriptive name, use it. If you cannot, or it is too cumbersome, use do_ then.
It does not matter if the name of the function is long, it is private anyway.
In Elixir core the use of do_ has been discouraged, and while at the beginning it was a bit annoying once you get used it, it pays off.
In your first example, I would refactor it, by swapping the arguments of the arity-2 function. I hope you can see the benefit of it.
def update_user(%UpdateUser{} = update_user, %User{} = current_user) do
with :ok <- authorize(:update_user, current_user, update_user),
{:ok, updated_user} <- update_user(update_user) do
# some logic
defp update_user(%UpdateUser{} = update_user) do
# some logic
As for your second example, I will rename your second function to a more meaningful name.
def list_company_users(%User{} = current_user, company_id, filters \\ %{}) do
# some logic
defp filter_company_users(company_id, filters) do
# some logic
Thank you for all the replies. It does seem the Elixir community has a convention of doing do_* for private functions. I’m going to try it out and see how it feels.
This is one of my favorite patterns, the _guarded suffix. You do all your guard checks in your public function, and you delegate to a private one and call it recursively if needed, without checking for a guard again and increasing performance.
This is the current implementation for Keyword.update/4
@spec update(t, key, default :: value, (existing_value :: value -> new_value :: value)) :: t
def update(keywords, key, default, fun)
when is_list(keywords) and is_atom(key) and is_function(fun, 1) do
update_guarded(keywords, key, default, fun)
defp update_guarded([{key, value} | keywords], key, _default, fun) do
[{key, fun.(value)} | delete(keywords, key)]
defp update_guarded([{_, _} = pair | keywords], key, default, fun) do
[pair | update_guarded(keywords, key, default, fun)]
defp update_guarded([], key, default, _fun) do
[{key, default}]