Hey folks, I’m trying to use Ecto with Neon’s hosted Postgres service. Notably, this necessitates the use of SNI to connect to the right server.
My config.exs
looks like this:
import Config
config :friends, Friends.Repo,
url: "postgres://application:nunyabidn355@ep-still-thunder-16014280.us-west-2.aws.neon.tech/friends?options=project%3Dep-still-thunder-16014280",
# database: "friends",
# username: "application",
# password: "nunyabidn355",
# hostname: "ep-still-thunder-16014280.us-west-2.aws.neon.tech",
# port: 5432,
ssl: true,
ssl_opts: [
server_name_indication: 'ep-still-thunder-16014280.us-west-2.aws.neon.tech',
verify: :verify_none
config :friends, ecto_repos: [Friends.Repo]
mix ecto.create
reports a cryptic ** (Mix) The database for Friends.Repo couldn't be created: killed
and mix ecto.migrate
simply reports ** (EXIT from #PID<0.99.0>) shutdown
So, the real question I have is, how do I coerce mix
into giving me some debug output so I can see what’s actually going on? In other words, I’m not interested in the answer to what’s happening here; instead I’m interested in how I might arrive at that answer myself.