Deploy to Digital Ocean using Distillery & edeliver

Hi guys,

Im getting some issue deploying to DO

When I try to run this
mix edeliver build release

It shows this error


-----> Authorizing hosts
-----> Ensuring hosts are ready to accept git pushes
-----> Pushing new commits with git to: user@ipaddress
-----> Resetting remote hosts to ad76a770fcda0ef2dd622ae3a344db3e3d617f70
-----> Cleaning generated files from last build
-----> Fetching / Updating dependencies
using mix to fetch and update deps
** (CompileError) config/prod.secret.exs:1: undefined function e/1
    (elixir) lib/code.ex:232: Code.eval_string/3
    (mix) lib/mix/config.ex:187: anonymous fn/2 in Mix.Config.__import__!/2
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1940: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3

Here’s my .deliver/config




pre_erlang_get_and_update_deps() {
  local _prod_secret_path="/home/user/app_config/prod.secret.exs"
  if [ "$TARGET_MIX_ENV" = "prod" ]; then
    __sync_remote "
      ln -sfn '$_prod_secret_path' '$BUILD_AT/config/prod.secret.exs'

I already check prod.secret.exs is available in the server

Im following this tutorial

Thanks guys

Hi azimlord,

According to the error message there is an error in your prod.secret.exs, on the line 1 apparently.

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Check your prod.secret.exs file to make sure there isn’t any typos in it.

config/prod.secret.exs:1: undefined function e/1

Sounds to me like a problem compiling the file not that it isn’t being found.

Hi mcostasilva & sanswork,

I dont think theres any issue with the prod.secret.exs
Here’s my prod.secret.exs

use Mix.Config

# In this file, we keep production configuration that
# you'll likely want to automate and keep away from
# your version control system.
# You should document the content of this
# file or create a script for recreating it, since it's
# kept out of version control and might be hard to recover
# or recreate for your teammates (or yourself later on).
config :project, ProjectWeb.Endpoint,
  secret_key_base: "AnQL+w2yvjz12cxcjmC5lHF8cFiBHQ3Vf+cpSFcs6FfOaJBbgqA4byRcssYW5P3V"

# Configure your database
config :project, Project.Repo,
  adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
  username: "postgres",
  password: "postgres",
  database: "project_prod",
  pool_size: 15

In server

azim@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-sgp1-01:~$ ls app_build/config/
config.exs  dev.exs  prod.exs  prod.secret.exs  test.exs


cat app_build/config/ on the server shows the content you posted?


azim@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-sgp1-01:~$ cat app_build/config/prod.secret.exs
e Mix.Config

# In this file, we keep production configuration that
# you'll likely want to automate and keep away from
# your version control system.
# You should document the content of this
# file or create a script for recreating it, since it's
# kept out of version control and might be hard to recover
# or recreate for your teammates (or yourself later on).
config :project, ProjectWeb.Endpoint,
  secret_key_base: "AnQL+w2yvjz12cxcjmC5lHF8cFiBHQ3Vf+cpSFcs6FfOaJBbgqA4byRcssYW5P3V"

# Configure your database
config :project, Project.Repo,
  adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
  username: "postgres",
  password: "postgres",
  database: "project_prod",
  pool_size: 15

Anyway, I have a temporary fix for this. Move all prod.secret.exs to prod.exs and remove prod.secret.exs from prod

You’re missing “us” at the start of that.

e Mix.Config

on the first line.

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FML :sweat:

Thanks. My mistake

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