Dialyzer (dialyxir) unmatched_return warning

So, I’m writing my home project with Elixir, everything’s going fine, decided to plug dialyxir to scan for some potential issues and it gives me this one error:

The expression produces a value of type:

:ok | pid()

but this value is unmatched.

Code in question:

  defp accept_loop(listen_socket, %State{} = state) do
    state = %{state | total_calls: state.total_calls + 1}

    case :gen_tcp.accept(listen_socket) do # LINE 60, issue is here
      {:ok, client_socket} ->
        spawn(fn -> serve(client_socket, state) end)

      {:error, data} ->
        Logger.notice("Error accepting client socket - #{inspect(data)}")

    accept_loop(listen_socket, state)

Error about unmatched value from gen_tcp.accept. Everything’s working fine and according to documentation I’m matching values just fine - Erlang -- gen_tcp :

accept(ListenSocket) -> {ok, Socket} | {error, Reason}

I am matching both {:ok, socket} and {:error, reason} so I am at a loss now. What is going on?

Tried adding guard to :ok match - {:ok, client_socket} when is_port(client_socket) -> but mix dialyzer still returns same error.

Tried capturing first variable and checking whether it’s :ok or a pid - {test, client_socket} when test == :ok or is_pid(test) - still same error.

Sorry, can’t give you a solution. But maybe this might help. If not, you still learned some valuable lessons.

I once stumbled upon a blog post

The blog post mentions the next video which helps me ‘think like dialyzer’ and so find solutions.

But before anything, remove your dialyzer cache. Lesson learned the hard way. See:

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Ah, I see.

It’s the case statement itself that returns either pid from first match - spawn is called - or :ok from second match - Logger.notice call - and THAT is unmatched. So, with this insight, this is an easy “”“fix”"", as I don’t give a damn about what case returns.

  defp accept_loop(listen_socket, %State{} = state) do
    state = %{state | total_calls: state.total_calls + 1}

    _ = case :gen_tcp.accept(listen_socket) do
      {:ok, client_socket} ->
        spawn(fn -> serve(client_socket, state) end)

      {:error, data} ->
        Logger.notice("Error accepting client socket - #{inspect(data)}")

    accept_loop(listen_socket, state)