This is not so much a question but rather an answer to an issue which took me some time to figure out, and maybe a suggestion to improve the docs. Please see the end of the message for the solution.
Using Elixir 1.17.3, Ecto 3.12.4, Postgrex 0.19.3:
I’m working on some calendar-related functionality and needed to represent a duration. I had this in my migration:
create table(...) do
add :default_duration, :interval
However, it was not clear to me how should I define my schema. For starters I was looking to make the field load as just a Postgrex.Interval, which seems to be the default and should not require any extra configuration.
I could not just do this:
schema "..." do
field :default_duration, :interval
as there is no :interval
Ecto type. When I did this:
field :default_duration, :duration
it compiled, but an attempt to load a record resulted in an error:
(ArgumentError) cannot load `%Postgrex.Interval{months: 0, days: 0, secs: 1800, microsecs: 0}` as type :duration for field :default_duration...
I tried field :default_duration, Postgrex.Interval
, field :default_duration, Postgrex.Duration
, even field :default_duration, Postgrex.Extensions.Interval
with the same result.
Following the Ecto.Schema docs, Postgrex docs, Postgrex.Types.html#define/3 docs I tried to configure Postgrex to use the interval_decode_type: Duration
, however the docs seemed rather sparse and it was not clear how exactly it should be done. I tried this in my lib/my_app/postgrex_types.ex
Postgrex.Types.define(MyApp.PostgrexTypes, [], interval_decode_type: Duration)
However it is also additionally required passing types: MyApp.PostgrexTypes
to Postgrex.start_link/1, and since I don’t start Postgrex manually, it was not clear to me how this bit could be passed to it in addition to all the existing Repo config.
It was not until I inadvertently looked into Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
and saw the Extensions clause when it finally became clear. So, in order to employ the Duration
Elixir type on a Postgres :interval
field without registering any new extensions, the following worked:
In lib/my_app/postgres_types.ex
Postgrex.Types.define(MyApp.PostgresTypes, Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.extensions(), interval_decode_type: Duration)
In config/config.exs
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
types: MyApp.PostgresTypes
At this point a schema field defined as
field :default_duration, :duration
started returning the desired Duration
default_duration: %Duration{minute: 30, microsecond: {0, 6}},
Maybe the solution is so obvious no one really had an issue before - I didn’t find any complaints online. But maybe the Ecto.Schema | Primitive types should be updated to include a more explicit example.