Discussion: Don't add a database layer to your Phoenix application

My concern is not that ecto is available in Phoenix. It’s rather that first 1.2 and the 1.3 actually tightened the coupling between the two. as a result, people will come into Elixir and assume that they should write monolithic applications. If instead phoenix.new generated a separate parallel database access application, alongside the phoenix app, then people would have the same capabilities but without the temptation to write “yet another Rails app”.

Sure, we can let people discover this over time. But if we do that, and if people start running into the same problems with Phoenix that drove them away from Rails, what have we gained? People will just move on to the next big thing.

Instead, if we explain decent coding principles, and live by them, then we can help people have a better long-term experience. This will be good for them, and good for the language.
