distillery, under the hood

Hello there !

I advise you have a look at the official documentation:

I recommend the Getting Started Guide:

Why use distillery?

Distillery is on the base level, a bunch of scripts that encompass the most common tasks people come across when deploying an app. Building releases, support for Umbrella projects and extensive documentation to deploy your app on AWS, GCP or whatever you pick all make distillery a worthwhile investment (don’t forget about support for Docker as well!)

How does it work?

As I said before, it mainly is a bunch of mix tasks that you invoke via CLI. As for your builds, they all end up in the _build folder and are organized by environment and version. A good book on the matter is “Elixir in Action”, which has a chapter devoted to releases in Elixir using distillery, but if you don’t feel like investing too much I recommend the email courses by @zkessin

Make a post and send an e-mail, I am sure he can give you some pointers.

Still, the best source of info I found when it comes on how you can make distillery work, is the configurations section:


Hope it helps!

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