I want to go deeper in studying Elixir but I got stuck at some level, between intermediate and advanced. I am looking for a book or advanced tutorial to overcome this.
So, I got st(r)uck by several advanced concepts such as: typespecs, AST, protocols, behaviours, bitstrings (+ advanced mix usage, packages, deployment)
All the books I know are for beginning-intermediate levels, they barely scratch the advanced stuff. Instead plenty of material on Phoenix/Liveview, GenServer/OTP but not Elixir as a language per se. I am aware that one can find info (tutorial, video, articles, course) on the web but I need something else: in a consolidated form, not scattered and disparate.
More precisely I’m looking for some book, tutorial, course of advanced Elixir with focus on detailed meaning, multiple examples, various case scenarios, to help me build a holistic understanding on before-mentioned concepts: more what/why/where than how.
PS: Please don’t point me to the Elixir official doc hub or Elixir School as I’ve been already there, it didn’t enlighten me much on these topics.
You could create a Wiki page to list all advanced topics and that refers you to sections in books and articles and videos and books online. That’s totally doable.