Does run serially or does it run in parallel?

I have added a task.yield in the callback function of, Does run serially or in parallel? If it runs serially then this would be a bad idea. runs serially, as do all the Enum functions.


What would be bad idea?

For parallel processing you can use this

|> Task.async_stream(fn x -> x + 1 end)
|> Enum.to_list()
1 Like

Hey @a-c-sreedhar-reddy welcome to the forum. Any time you have a question involving code you’ve written, please always include that code. This helps us answer your question.

1 Like runs for one element at a time - if you have a list of Tasks you’d like to wait for, consider Task.yield_many which will wait for all of them at once.


Enum functions are for running things serially. It might seem like you’d want to run everything concurrencly in a language that allows for such cheap concurrency, but there’s still a lot of times when serially running is the best choice. Either because logically the steps need to be sequential, or because even though concurrency in Erlang/Elixir is relatively cheap, it’s not free. So, in a contrived example, mapping over the range 1..100 and adding 1 to each element, is about 38x slower when done in parallel. Because we’re doing such a small amount of work in each step, the overhead of concurrency heavily outweighs any benefits of it. In contrast something like mapping over 1..10 and making a request to Google, is about 8x slower sequentially, than in parallel.

So maybe sequential is what you need, in which case will be the right tool. If you do want concurrency, something like this is a good starting point. map/2 will start a process for each item in the list, whereas map2/2-4 can be limited, so maybe you want a max of 5 processes started to process 100 things. There’s obviously even more you can do, like supervising the tasks, or more complex processing pipelines. Task is a good place to start. Broadway is a good place to start for the more complex processing.

defmodule PMap do
  def map(enum, fun) do, &Task.async(fn -> fun.(&1) end))
    |> Task.await_many()
  def map2(enum, fun, concurrency \\ 10, timeout \\ :infinity) do
    Task.async_stream(enum, &fun.(&1), max_concurrency: concurrency, timeout: timeout)
    |> {:ok, val} -> val end)
    |> Enum.to_list()