Does `ja_serializer` work with `phoenix 1.4.4`?

Considering that ja_serializer uses Poison while phoenix 1.4.4 uses Jason, does ja_serializer work with phoenix 1.4.4?

ja_serializer only uses Poison for tests. You configure what it uses by saying how plug should encode/decode the json-api mime type. All you need to do is follow the instructions in this section and replace Poison with Jason.


Thanks for the reply @blatyo!
I tried changing the line

config :phoenix, :format_encoders, "json-api": Poison


config :phoenix, :format_encoders, "json-api": Jason

but it results in the following:

Compiling 10 files (.ex)
Generated library_api app
** (Mix) Could not start application poison: could not find application file:

which leads me to assume this must not be the only line that I should change to use Jason instead of Poison

What is your Elixir version? We had some bugs around optional dependencies, and that may have triggered it. You can also run mix app.tree and see what is bringing poison as a dependency.

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Hello @josevalim!!!

here is the result of my mix app.tree:

|-- elixir
|-- logger
|   `-- elixir
|-- runtime_tools
|-- gettext
|   |-- elixir
|   `-- logger
|-- jason
|   `-- elixir
|-- comeonin
|   |-- elixir
|   `-- logger
|-- bcrypt_elixir
|   |-- elixir
|   |-- logger
|   |-- crypto
|   `-- comeonin
|-- phoenix_pubsub
|   |-- elixir
|   |-- logger
|   `-- crypto
|-- postgrex
|   |-- elixir
|   |-- logger
|   |-- crypto
|   |-- connection
|   |   `-- elixir
|   |-- decimal
|   |   `-- elixir
|   `-- db_connection
|       |-- elixir
|       |-- logger
|       `-- connection
|-- ecto_sql
|   |-- elixir
|   |-- logger
|   |-- telemetry
|   |-- db_connection
|   `-- ecto
|       |-- elixir
|       |-- logger
|       |-- crypto
|       `-- decimal
|-- plug_cowboy
|   |-- elixir
|   |-- logger
|   |-- cowboy
|   |   |-- crypto
|   |   |-- cowlib
|   |   |   `-- crypto
|   |   `-- ranch
|   |       `-- ssl
|   |           |-- crypto
|   |           `-- public_key
|   |               |-- asn1
|   |               `-- crypto
|   `-- plug
|       |-- elixir
|       |-- logger
|       |-- mime
|       |   |-- elixir
|       |   `-- logger
|       `-- plug_crypto
|           |-- elixir
|           `-- crypto
|-- phoenix
|   |-- elixir
|   |-- logger
|   |-- eex
|   |   `-- elixir
|   |-- crypto
|   |-- phoenix_pubsub
|   `-- plug
|-- cors_plug
|   |-- elixir
|   `-- logger
|-- ja_serializer
|   |-- elixir
|   |-- logger
|   |-- inflex
|   |   `-- elixir
|   |-- plug
** (Mix) could not find application poison

Looks like its the ja_serializer is the one causing it the way I see the output
elixir -v:

Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.2] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1]

Elixir 1.8.1 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 20)

v1.8.1 @josevalim

Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.2] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1]

Elixir 1.8.1 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 20)

I can’t see Poison anywhere and your Elixir version is good. If you push a small app to GitHub that reproduces it we can take a look.

wait let me re-create it…

@josevalim here it is:

You are correct. ja_serializer requires the poison application. They fixed it in this commit but they have not released a new version. I would recommend filing an issue to ask for a new release.


Ah! Thanks so much for your advice @josevalim! So valuable!

@josevalim, is there some other way that I can get around to making this work for now while the release is still being requested? Can I possibly edit ja_serializer in my deps folder for this?

You can load deps by their github commit.

Thanks @LostKobrakai. is editing the deps directly okay for the moment? quiet a dirty hack for now though but I love to hear your opinion

Loading from git is not a hack, it’s first-class supported by mix, even has helpers like github: "orgname/projectname" and such too. :slight_smile:

As for editing the deps, it’s fine but it will get reverted by a lot of different actions.


Thanks @OvermindDL1 for enlightening me! :+1: Tried loading from that commit

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