Hi All,
I’m working on a graphql API and due to the complex nature of the source database am wrapping many of my schema modules in a ‘Model’ module. The modules purpose is to define a struct for the model, and some common functions. Below is an example module…
defmodule Nedql.Sources.EditorAssignment do
alias __MODULE__
alias Nedql.Repo
alias Nedql.Utils
alias Nedql.Filter
alias Nedql.Repo.Sources.EditorAssignmentSchema
import Ecto.Query
defstruct id: nil,
editor_assignment_id: nil,
progserv_id: nil,
editor_assignment_type: nil,
employee_id: nil
def base_query(), do: (from e in EditorAssignmentSchema)
def preload(query), do: preload(query, [:editor_assignment_type])
def get!(id) when is_binary(id), do: get!(Decimal.new(id))
def get!(id) when is_integer(id), do: get!(Decimal.new(id))
def get!(id) do
q = from e in EditorAssignmentSchema,
where: e.editor_assignment_id == ^id,
preload: [:editor_assignment_type]
|> into_struct
def filtered(%Filter{conditions: []} = filter), do: base_query()
def filtered(%Filter{} = filter) do
Nedql.Query.add_clauses(base_query(), filter)
def into_struct(rows) when is_list(rows) do
Enum.map(rows, &into_struct/1)
def into_struct(row) do
id: Decimal.to_integer(row.editor_assignment_id),
editor_assignment_id: Decimal.to_integer(row.editor_assignment_id),
editor_assignment_type: Utils.get_in_struct(row, [:editor_assignment_type, :editor_assignment_type_tag]),
progserv_id: Decimal.to_integer(row.progserv_id),
employee_id: Decimal.to_integer(row.employee_id),
This is a how many of my models
are shaping up. Define a struct and the following functions…
- base_query
- preload
- get!
- filtered
- into_struct
Some of this can be dry’d up. I’m wondering if the ease of ‘use’ makes more sense or the explicitness of another module is better.