Drab and Liveview community oddities

I am sorry but this irks me way too much.

Maybe people were actually familiar with Drab and decided to try different approaches? Or maybe, based on Chris talk, this is a problem that he wanted to tackle since 2013, but first he had to create and maintain Phoenix before he could take a stab at it? And even if they had no clue about Drab, how is that even a problem?

I got a lot of flak over the years (and still do) for creating a new programming language. Some called me out of touch, others called me borderline irresponsible, etc. But you know what? “because I wanted to” is a completely valid and enough answer to starting a project. There are some projects in the Elixir community that I don’t agree with but that’s totally fine (hey, they wanted to!). As long as people can discuss the trade-offs clearly, people are not being mislead, etc, I am not going to lose sleep over it.

I know this sounds counter-intuitive, as we do need a community to push those ideas forward, but that should be conciliated with everyone’s “right” to tinker and experiment.

So let people experiment, prototype and try things out. Once the ideas have consolidated, the proof of concept is ready, etc, then everybody can sit together and have a reasonable discussion about trade-offs. For all we know, LiveView could be dead in 2 months, because all of Chris’ choices turned out to be bad.

So let’s not make any rash decisions on a proof of concept that isn’t even released yet.