Drab and Liveview community oddities

Why do you believe people called me irresponsible for creating Elixir? Because I had some influence in the Ruby community and that would lead people to use Elixir while it was still in development. This kind of thinking completely shifted the blame from people who actually made the decision to use Elixir and put it on me. It is very unreasonable.

I should have equal voice as everybody else in here. If the reason I can’t take a stand against something is because people would take my opinion for granted or side with me without critical thought, then that’s not my responsibility. Do not take what I say as correct or take what I do for granted, whatever I do is as prone to errors as everyone else.

It is not fair for you to impose your own standards on how people should behave and then hold people to standards they have not agreed with in the first place. The fact someone contributes a lot (or not at all) should not change the responsibilities and expectations they have within the community.