Dynamic and ordered list of expressions in ecto query from user input, each input maps to a field or fragment

I have a products api, database is postgresql, I use ecto.

curl "localhost:4000/products?brand=AZN&limit=1&fields=ean,date,brand"

Accept can be text/csv, and then

  • format of date is milliseconds from epoch.
  • fields MUST be in order
curl "localhost:4000/products?brand=AZN&limit=1&fields=ean,date,brand" -H accept:text/csv

I do not know how to achieve that using select and select_merge.

When I add expression to select, one at a time using select_merge:

q = from p in Product, select: %{}
q = from p in q, select_merge: map(p, [:ean])
q = from p in q, select_merge: %{date: fragment("extract(epoch from ?)*1000", p.date)}
q = from p in q, select_merge: map(p, [:brand])
Repo.to_sql(:all, q)
{"SELECT p0.\"ean\", p0.\"brand\", extract(epoch from p0.\"date\")*1000 FROM \"products\" AS p0",

Then order is not preserved: ean, brand, date. I need ean, date, brand.
How would you do that?


You’re selecting fields as part of a map. Maps are unordered and I guess the order in the generated sql is an implementation detail. If you need order you probably need to use select and a list as wrapping type.


a) select only?
I’ll be glad to select a list.

list = ~w(ean date brand)a
q = from p in Product, select: ^list
Repo.to_sql(:all, q)
{"SELECT p0.\"ean\", p0.\"date\", p0.\"brand\" FROM \"products\" AS p0", []}

But I need to format the date field, not date but an expression like “extract(epoch from date)*1000”.

@LostKobrakai do you know how to do that?


q = from p in Product, select: Enum.map(^list, fn x -> x end)
** (Ecto.Query.CompileError) `Enum.map(^list, fn x -> x end)` is not a valid query expression. If you want to invoke Enum.map/2 in a query, make sure that the module Enum is required and that map/2 is a macro


list = [:ean, "extract(epoch from date)*1000", :brand]
from p in Product, select: ^list
** (ArgumentError) expected a list of fields in `select/2` inside `select`, got: `[:ean, "extract(epoch from date)*1000", :brand]`
    (ecto) lib/ecto/query/builder/select.ex:138: Ecto.Query.Builder.Select.fields!/2
    (ecto) lib/ecto/query/builder/select.ex:155: Ecto.Query.Builder.Select.select!/5

b) select + select_merge?

Maps are unordered and I guess the order in the generated sql is an implementation detail.

select_merge expects a map or struct in select, can not use a list.

Note that it does preserve ordering when there is no expression.

q = from p in Product, select: %{}
q = from p in q, select_merge: map(p, [:ean])
q = from p in q, select_merge: map(p, [:date])
q = from p in q, select_merge: map(p, [:brand])
Repo.to_sql(:all, q)
{"SELECT p0.\"ean\", p0.\"date\", p0.\"brand\" FROM \"products\" AS p0", []}

Go and see struct with the fragment?

  expr: {:merge, [],
     {:merge, [],
        {:&, [], [0]},
        {:%{}, [],
           date: {:fragment, [],
              raw: "extract(epoch from ",
              expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :date]}, [], []},
              raw: ")*1000"
     {:&, [], [0]}
  fields: nil,
  file: "iex",
  line: 6,
  params: [],
  take: %{0 => {:map, [:ean, :brand]}}

date fragment goes to .expr, ean and brand to .take, separate fields in struct, ordering can not be preserved.

Whatever detail, implementation does not preserve ordering in this use case.

Maps in elixir are not ordered, therefore you probably shouldn’t expect an ecto query producing a map to do so. Any ordering you might observe is an implementation detail, you shouldn’t rely on.

q = from p in Product, select: [
  fragment("extract(epoch from ?)*1000", p.date),

therefore you probably shouldn’t expect an ecto query producing a map to do so.

For the csv api, I stream postgres copy csv.

    SQL.stream(Repo, copy(sql), [], max_rows: 1000)
    |> Stream.map(fn %{rows: rows} -> rows end)

  defp copy(sql) do
    "copy (#{sql}) to stdout with csv"

There is no ecto processing, just stream the bytes to socket.
Performance is near raw psql copy.

input: fields=ean,date,brand
desired output: something similar to select ean, extract(epoch from date)*1000, brand.

I’m just failing to see how to use the query api to build that part of sql statement.

For the json api, I’m happy with Repo.all(q) and I do not care about ordering of fields in output (json, who cares?) nor sql.

Did you try the query I posted above? This one should give you the desired select statement.

Ideed, for user input fields=ean,date,brand the query from p in Product, select: [p.ean, fragment("extract(epoch from ?)*1000", p.date), p.brand] yields fields in desired order.

But I need to map user fields to selected expressions. When fields=ean,price,date then I should case to from p in Product, select: [p.ean, p.price, fragment("extract(epoch from ?)*1000", p.date)].

I would like to start with select: [] and reduce user inputs to expressions on query to build the equivalent queries above.