Dynamic generation of heex for LiveView?

Hi, I’m new to Phoenix and looking for some guidance on how I can approach building an app that allows users to author their websites (blogs, pages, etc) and those pages are served by the same phoenix app.

I’d like to allow the user to write markdown and include something like Liquid tags using the Solid module. Those tags could reference LiveComponents so that their pages can have dynamic elements in them also rather than just static content. In this way I think I can make a restrictive enough syntax that would keep this secure.

The problem I’m facing is that the only solution I’ve found is to use EEx.eval_string from this old thread (How can one render a Liveview .heex file dynamically? - #12 by barkerja) which is slow.

Are there other approaches where I can let users write markdown which generates into HTML/HEEX allowing HEEX LiveComponents to be included into their pages.

Thanks for any help and suggestions.

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How slow? This is more or less what phoenix uses to render templates too.

You could also look at EEx.compile_string/2, but that option is more for static templates as you cannot modify the template once you compiled it, only evaluate it with different assigns.

I did some benchmarking to see how much slower eval_string would be. Here is the code that used mdex, solid, benchee.

It’s a simple output for the eex_html and eex_eval_string examples. eval_string seems to be 1507x slower than ~H. Maybe its still good enough since its ~167 us average per call.

defmodule Benchmarks.SolidEEX do
  use MotiveWeb, :live_view

  def eex_html(assigns) do

  def eex_eval_string(assigns) do
    template = """

    rendered =
      EEx.eval_string(template, [assigns: assigns],
        engine: Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine,
        file: __ENV__.file,
        line: __ENV__.line + 1,
        caller: __ENV__,
        source: template,
        tag_handler: Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLEngine

    case rendered do
      %Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered{} = already_rendered ->
        # If EEx returns a Rendered struct (which happens with components), return it directly

      other ->
        # For static content, wrap it in a Rendered struct
          static: [other],
          dynamic: [],
          fingerprint: nil

  def md_solid_html_eex(markdown, assigns) do
    template =
      md_solid_html(markdown, assigns)
      |> to_string()

    rendered =
      EEx.eval_string(template, [assigns: assigns],
        engine: Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine,
        file: __ENV__.file,
        line: __ENV__.line + 1,
        caller: __ENV__,
        source: template,
        tag_handler: Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLEngine

    case rendered do
      %Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered{} = already_rendered ->
        # If EEx returns a Rendered struct (which happens with components), return it directly

      other ->
        # For static content, wrap it in a Rendered struct
          static: [other],
          dynamic: [],
          fingerprint: nil

  def md_solid_html(markdown, assigns) do
    html =
      |> MDEx.parse_document!()
      |> MDEx.traverse_and_update(fn
        # render each text as liquid template
        {node, attrs, children} ->
          children =
            Enum.reduce(children, [], fn
              child, acc when is_binary(child) ->
                with {:ok, template} <- Solid.parse(child),
                     {:ok, rendered} <- Solid.render(template, assigns) do
                  [to_string(rendered) | acc]
                  _ -> [child | acc]

              child, acc ->
                [child | acc]
            |> Enum.reverse()

          {node, attrs, children}
      |> MDEx.to_html!()


  def run do
    markdown = """
    # [Liquid](https://shopify.github.io/liquid/) Example

    {{ lang.name | split: " " | last }}

    assigns = %{"lang" => %{"name" => "dan was here"}}

        "eex_html" => fn ->
        "eex_eval_string" => fn ->
        "md_solid_html" => fn ->
          md_solid_html(markdown, assigns)
        "md_solid_html_eex" => fn ->
          md_solid_html_eex(markdown, assigns)
      time: 10,
      memory_time: 2,
      formatters: [
        {Benchee.Formatters.Console, extended_statistics: true}
        # {Benchee.Formatters.HTML, file: "bench/output/solid_benchmark.html"}

# Run the benchmark

Results are:

❯ mix run test/benchmarks/solideex_benchmark.exs
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M4 Max
Number of Available Cores: 16
Available memory: 128 GB
Elixir 1.16.2
JIT enabled: false

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 10 s
memory time: 2 s
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 56 s

Benchmarking eex_eval_string ...
Benchmarking eex_html ...
Benchmarking md_solid_html ...
Benchmarking md_solid_html_eex ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...

Name                        ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
eex_html              9016.84 K       0.111 μs ±35352.12%      0.0420 μs      0.0840 μs
md_solid_html           27.47 K       36.41 μs    ±31.58%       34.88 μs       55.58 μs
md_solid_html_eex        6.35 K      157.56 μs     ±9.52%      156.38 μs      197.50 μs
eex_eval_string          5.98 K      167.16 μs   ±246.33%      104.04 μs     1467.03 μs

eex_html              9016.84 K
md_solid_html           27.47 K - 328.30x slower +36.30 μs
md_solid_html_eex        6.35 K - 1420.66x slower +157.45 μs
eex_eval_string          5.98 K - 1507.21x slower +167.04 μs

Extended statistics: 

Name                      minimum        maximum    sample size                     mode
eex_html                     0 μs   101692.83 μs        32.90 M                0.0420 μs
md_solid_html            20.38 μs     3270.46 μs       270.36 K                 33.25 μs
md_solid_html_eex       118.92 μs     1653.54 μs        63.08 K                   150 μs
eex_eval_string          86.33 μs    13359.33 μs        59.44 K                    99 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                 Memory usage
eex_html                 0.172 KB
md_solid_html            40.16 KB - 233.64x memory usage +39.98 KB
md_solid_html_eex       119.13 KB - 693.14x memory usage +118.96 KB
eex_eval_string          69.38 KB - 403.64x memory usage +69.20 KB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**```

You don‘t want to eval heex when it‘s time to render content. Compiling heex is not meant to be performant as it generally happens at compile time. A more reasonable approach would be compiling the template after changes and caching the result, calling that whenever you need to render content. That should bring you quite a bit closer to the perf of eex_html in your benchmark.

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