@zachdaniel: You need to write helper module with some macros and then call them to generate ast for special module attributes like @type.
For @type you need to return ast in format:
# root element in case @foos count greater than 2:
# root element in case @foos count is equal to 2:
[FirstFoo.t, SecondFoo.t]
# root element in case @foos count is equal to 1:
# root element in case @foos count is equal to 0:
raise error
Where for children you have same rules as for root element, so for 3 foos:
and this ast for you will look like: FirstFoo.t | SecondFoo.t | ThirdFoo.t
What you need is to write recursive function that retruns Elixir AST in Tuple notation.
First of all instead of reverse + reduce (2 iterations) you should use [head | tail] (1 iteration) like:
defmodule Example do
def sample([item]), do: item
def sample([head | tail]), do: {:|, [], [head, sample(tail)]}
list = ~w(a b c)a
# {:|, [], [:a, {:|, [], [:b, :c]}]}
Secondly you can use @type directly in macro, for example:
defmodule Example do
defmacro __using__(list: list, name: name) do
quote bind_quoted: [list: list, name: name] do
@type unquote({name, [], Elixir}) :: unquote(Example.sample(list))
def sample([item]), do: item
def sample([head | tail]), do: {:|, [], [head, sample(tail)]}
defmodule Test do
@list ~w(a b c)a
use Example, list: @list, name: :key
I like your recursive definition but I’m not sure it’s much clearer – it doesn’t seem particularly sensible to support a single type for a ‘union type’ macro. Avoiding two iterations tho is pretty nice! And the function could always be made private anyways.
I suspected that it would be much easier to write a macro for the entire type definition – I couldn’t get one for just the ‘spec’ portion to work and suspect, if it is possible, that it would involve much more convoluted code.
Is it necessary to do the above in a __using__ macro specifically? (I’ll test that myself when I get a chance.)
In both @spec and @type you need to wrap everything in unquote call. Without that instead of calling function/macro the AST of such call would be stored:
iex> quote do
iex> union_type(@keys)
iex> end
{:union_type, [],
[{:@, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:keys, [context: Elixir], Elixir}]}]}
__using__/1 macro is as same as any other macro. use MyModule works like require MyModule + MyModule.__using__([]).
You can also write a macro like this one:
defmodule UnionType do
defmacro union_type({:"::", _, [{name, _, _}, data]}) do
quote bind_quoted: [data: data, name: name] do
@type unquote({name, [], Elixir}) :: unquote(UnionType.union_type_ast(data))
def union_type_ast([item]), do: item
def union_type_ast([head | tail]), do: {:|, [], [head, union_type_ast(tail)]}
defmodule Example do
import UnionType
@keys ~w(a b c)a
union_type key :: @keys
However for this you need to add this option:
# …
locals_without_parens: [union_type: 1]
to .formatter.exs, because otherwise it would format your code to:
defmodule Example do
import UnionType
@keys ~w(a b c)a
union_type(key :: @keys)
That’s the conclusion I tentatively had reached myself but do you know why exactly this is? I’d guess it has to do with the details of how, and when, the compiler parses the @spec and @type declarations, but I haven’t found any info about what those details might be. I’m just curious!
Thank you for all of your help with this! I really appreciate it
What’s your personal preference for doing this kind of thing? Do you not do anything like this in your own code?
I kind of think that the ‘original’ is clearest (even if a bit more verbose):
But your union_type/1 macro is really nice too! I’d be a little worried that it’d be harder to read, e.g. easier to skip when scanning code that uses it and not notice that it’s declaring a type.
The pattern matching trick that effectively allows you to use the x :: y syntax is brilliant! That seems like a really useful trick generally for writing nice macros.
Depends on situation … in private API I would use just unquote call in @spec for simplicity. However in order to create a nice public API I would write a simple macro and document it as this way is easier to read and understand for other developers.
That’s why I mean … private == verbose and public == nice API
Good documentation is solution for most problems. If you or somebody else from your team would not like to remember such details then simply list all things like that in special markdown file. With that if you fail to find something take a look at such file and remind what you forgot. For example nobody needs to understand what ~> operator is doing, but documenting that your project uses ok hex library forces current developers to remind about it and every new developer to read concepts of such library.
If you want to generate something firstly check how to do it using quote call:
iex> quote do
iex> i_wanna :: inspect_you
iex> end
{:"::", [], [{:i_wanna, [], Elixir}, {:inspect_you, [], Elixir}]}
With respect to documenting types declared with this kind of code, one could add a @typedoc attribute, or, possibly even better, add a ‘types’ section-comment for the relevant module.
I’m pretty satisfied with all of the identified options now.
But I’m still curious as to whether it’s possible (somehow) to write a union_type/1 macro that would work like this:
@type key :: union_type(@keys)
It did seem tricky and maybe because we’re passing a module attribute to the macro instead of literals.
In both @spec and @type you need to wrap everything in unquote call. Without that instead of calling function/macro the AST of such call would be stored:
@spec and @type accepts any valid expression and stores it’s AST representation. No matter what you call they would store an AST of call.
Ahhh – that makes sense!
Thanks for repeating yourself, with enough of a different emphasis, for me to appreciate your original point.
This is a great snippet! Here’s a function form of this:
defmodule TypeUtils do
# https://elixirforum.com/t/dynamically-generate-typespecs-from-module-attribute-list/7078/5
def list_to_typespec(list) when is_list(list) do
Enum.reduce(list, &{:|, [], [&1, &2]})
Usage example:
@statuses [:not_started, :completed]
@type status :: unquote(TypeUtils.list_to_typespec(@statuses))