Earmark - Elixir's Markdown Converter

benchmarking shows no speed difference whatsover, indicating that parsing is the dominant speed factor

I’ve just updated to 1.4.1.

When using transform/2, the text content of each node is surrounded by a space. This causes problems with <pre> and <code> tags.

good catch I will open an issue


I just released Earmark v1.4.2

1.4.2 2019/10/14


fixed with last rel

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1.4.3 2019/11/23


I’ve created a library earmark_hashed_link which adds link to hashed text in a markdown. This library is smarter than just replacing text. It doesn’t add link in comment/blockquote/code etc.

It was easy and fun :slight_smile:
Thank you for adding such a nice AST feature.


I just released

1.4.5 2020/06/06

This is mostly a bugfix release, as there were edge cases that resulted in
Earmark crashing, notably

  • Bare IAL
  • unquoted attributes in html tags

Also autolinks (GFM extension) delivered incorrect URLS where parenthesis were involved,
for better GFM compatibility we therefore

  • Fixed broken parenthesis links (99% of all cases)

  • introduced the same URL encoding/decoding in links and link names of autolinks as GFM does

And last but not least all numeric options in the CLI can now be written with
underlines for readability.

1.4.4 2020/05/01


I just released Earmark 1.4.6

  • Exposes the now stable AST in the quadruple format.

  • There are many important bug fixes, all known crashes have been fixed, some issues like code blocks in lists and better HTML support did not make it.

Thanks to all of you for your great bug reporting after 1.4.5 which was a rough one.

Here go the Release Notes:


Hi, thanks for your work on this.

I am still seeing what I think is the issue in https://github.com/pragdave/earmark/issues/359 using "earmark": {:hex, :earmark, "1.4.6", "f14260802d8998f30e1654189a0d1699c4aa7d099eb4dad904eb5f41283a70b2", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "c1653a90f63400d029b783a098f4d70a40418ddff14da4cc156a0fee9e72e8d6"},

Now I don't have whitespace _issues_. beccomes

  Now I don’t have whitespace 

Which the browser renders as Now I don't have whitespace *issues* . (extra space between “issues” and “.”)

Downgrading to 1.4.4 fixes it.

can you please open an issue on Github
I will take care of that

Hotfixed above issue

1.4.7 2020/06/29


Just tested this and it looks great. Thanks for the amazingly quick fix!

The introduction of the AST together with some bright ideas of mine made 1.4.5 and 1.4.6 quite bad for all to_html users.

Least I could do, thanks again for your patience.

I have just released EarmarkParser v1.4.8

I always wanted to release a new library starting with that high a version :wink:

actually I will very soon use EarmarkParser in Earmark

and EarmarkParser is just Earmark without HTML Transfomation and CLI, thusly implementing only what is needed for ex_doc.

I had the following motivations for this step

  • Why installing unused code in all libraries that use ex_doc?

  • Allow Earmark to work on configurable transformers (maybe also other formats)

  • Allow Earmark to use libraries which use ex_doc as soon as ex_doc agrees to use EarmarkParser

Here is the Release Note


1.4.8 2020/06/29

This marks the first release of the parser isolated from the rest of Earmark.

It is feature identical to the 1.4.7 release of Earmark.

All releases below were Earmark, all releases above are only EarmarkParser.


1.4.7 2020/06/29


This is to announce the first split release of Earmark, with all parsing and ast rendering code extracted into EarmarkParser


1.4.8 2020/07/01

This is a featureless release.

Its lone purpose is the extraction of all parsing and ast releated code into EarmarkParser.

As it is feature identical to 1.4.7 downgrading in case of problems will be painless.

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Earmark Hotfix release

1.4.9 2020/07/02

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I just released a new version of


1.4.10 2020/07/18

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I just published Earmark Version 1.4.10

1.4.10 2020-07-18