ECMAScript book

What book can you suggest for learning ECMAScript?


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Do you want to learn ES/JS in general?

I have completed JS courses on CodeSchool:
I am looking for advanced book :slight_smile:

And are you interested in a particular field? Front-end development, backend development or just overall JS?

Not a book, but this was emailed to me a few days ago:

A premium training course to strengthen your core JavaScript skills
and master all that ES6 has to offer.

Looks good - but a hefty price tag.

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Front-end, but I am more interested in ES :slight_smile:

Hm… Seems to be interesting - 19 Modules / 66 HD Videos.

Your learning style will effect which books work for you - and as already mentioned are you looking for “just ES/JS” or “ES/JS in some specific context” (i.e. browser, Node JS (tools or server) etc.)?

At the time it was a bit of a slog for me with JavaScript: The Definitive Guide - things didn’t really click for me until JavaScript: The Good Parts. But that is getting a bit long in the tooth but it helped for me to focus on “just JavaScript” rather than learning interacting with the DOM at the same time.

These days I would recommend looking at the You Don’t Know JS series (on github) - the first eBook is free, so you can see if you like it.

Once you got the basics down Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 2e may be worth considering - I liked the first edition and the second edition was updated to ES6.

For “JavaScript in the browser” Nicholas C. Zakas Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 3e is extremely competent though limited to ES5 - but the author also offers Understanding ECMAScript 6 (free to read online).

For some reason I also feel compelled to mention Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design - not because I have experience with the book but because it inspired the excellent Modern ClojureScript tutorials - so take that one with a grain of salt but it does focus on progressive enhancement.

Also check all the resources at the Mozilla Developer Network Web Technologies for Developers: JavaScript, Web APIs (DOM etc.) - even if it’s just for a second opinion.

And before you go off an buy a bunch of stuff - make a “nice to have” list and monitor the publishers. For Example:

Deal of the Day - 3 different books at 50% off which change every 24 hours
Sign up for the deal of the day and weekly news letters. New book announcements are typically associated with 40-50% off coupon codes valid for 3-4 days that also apply to 8-12 of their other books.

Home page for the deal of the day. You’ll need an account for the eBooks anyway, sign up for notifications to catch their site wide 50% off sales 2-3 times a year. Sometimes these sales apply only to O’Reilly titles - other times it covers every publisher in their store.

Pragmatic Bookstore
twitter - so far the most reliable source of their sales.
Check “Let me know when new titles come out” in your account to get the newsletter that announces sales - complain if you’re not getting it.

InformIT for Addison Wesley titles (i.e. Pearson) - they have 40% off sales 2 - 3 times a year.

Apress $10 deal of the day ($20 for Springer titles). Sometimes 40% off sales, other times “all these books for $17.49 each”.

PS: Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript (goodreads), JavaScript Allongé, the “Six” Edition (goodreads)


Thank you for your answers :slight_smile:

YDKJS is the best and only resource you need and you can read it online free on GitHub (just Google the name). Everything else come down to experience and hacking around, don’t waste too much time reading books.


Nick is the real deal. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this book.

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Got it for $59 with coupon LAUNCHDAY.

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Nice, let us know what you think of it :023:

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Now I am studying Chris McCord training
And feel that it is time to go deeper with ES6 for using with channels :slight_smile:

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Let us know what you think of that too - think there is a thread for it in #phoenix-forum:chat :slight_smile:

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If you are interested in

They have everythig :slight_smile:

####Total basic
this what I recommend for starter.

ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points
ES6 In Depth Articles by Mozilla


You don’t know JS series


Excellent contributions. The name “you don’t know JavaScript” is precise. I was running through the Phoenix channels guide and was updating a js file with syntax I’ve never before seen. And I’ve used JS heavily!

+1 to [quote=“peerreynders, post:8, topic:1175”]
Nicholas C. Zakas Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 3e


This is good documentation page: DevDocs
They have many languages, libraries with definitions and examples in one place.
There are: CSS, Erlang, Elixir, GIT, HTML, JavaScript, nginx, Phoenix, PostgreSQL, Support Tables, SVG and many more …


Already mentioned but it deserves to be said again - You Don’t Know JS is a great series of books for truly understanding JavaScript. If you pair that with something as simple as Babel’s Learn ES2015 Docs, you’ll be set.