The ECSx docs on github say there is an Ecto persistence adapter for ECSx.
The ecsx_persistence_ecto docs say to add {:ecsx_persistence_ecto, “~> 0.1.0”} to your mix file. Mix deps.get fails and ecsx_persistence_ecto is not listed on
Is ECSx.Persistence.Ecto a real concept and is it available some other way?
I have these deps
{:ecsx, “~> 0.5”},
{:ecsx_persistence_ecto, “~> 0.1.0”},
but then
$ mix deps.get
Resolving Hex dependencies…
Resolution completed in 0.157s
Because every version of ecsx_persistence_ecto depends on ecsx ~> 0.4.0 and your app depends on ecsx ~> 0.5, no version of ecsx_persistence_ecto is allowed.
So, because your app depends on ecsx_persistence_ecto ~> 0.1.0, version solving failed.
Is that:
a problem with the hex site
or -
the dependencies in ecsx_persistence_ecto need to be updated