ECSx.Persistence.Ecto not found?

The ECSx docs on github say there is an Ecto persistence adapter for ECSx.

The ecsx_persistence_ecto docs say to add {:ecsx_persistence_ecto, “~> 0.1.0”} to your mix file. Mix deps.get fails and ecsx_persistence_ecto is not listed on

Is ECSx.Persistence.Ecto a real concept and is it available some other way?

Most likely they didn’t publish it. I would submit an issue so they can at least correct the README

Yep, the library is real and usable, just currently missing from hexpm. Thanks for the report, we will get it uploaded onto hex ASAP :slightly_smiling_face:

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Available on hexpm now: ecsx_persistence_ecto | Hex

The hexdocs page is having some trouble, but everything you need should be in the README

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I have these deps
{:ecsx, “~> 0.5”},
{:ecsx_persistence_ecto, “~> 0.1.0”},

but then

$ mix deps.get
Resolving Hex dependencies…
Resolution completed in 0.157s
Because every version of ecsx_persistence_ecto depends on ecsx ~> 0.4.0 and your app depends on ecsx ~> 0.5, no version of ecsx_persistence_ecto is allowed.
So, because your app depends on ecsx_persistence_ecto ~> 0.1.0, version solving failed.

Is that:
a problem with the hex site

  • or -
    the dependencies in ecsx_persistence_ecto need to be updated
  • or -
    I need to relax the version on ecsx?

Hm… ecsx_persistence_ecto should depend on :ecsx ~> 0.5 now. Perhaps I just need to cut a new version to update. Thanks for the report :slight_smile:

v0.1.1 is out now with the dependency fixed :slight_smile:

Up and running with ecsx_persistence_ecto. Thank you :smile:

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