Ecto Adapter for ArangoDB

Hi all,

I would like to share ArangoDB.Ecto, an Ecto adapter for ArangoDB:

It is based on the Arangoex driver. Since Arangoex is not yet officially released and available on Hex, ArangoDB.Ecto is also not yet available on Hex, but only via GitHub.

The adapter supports migrations (create tables/indexes) and select/update/remove/insert queries. Ecto.Query structs are automatically converted to AQL queries - at the moment the from, where, order_by, limit, offset and select clauses are supported.

Any feedback is highly appreciated! :slight_smile:


Can I use this library in production for a startup’s software?

Well, we are going to use this in our own system in production. You can certianly use it, but you have to be aware that there are some limitations.

You are welcome to give it a try! Please create an issue in Github if you encounter any problems.

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Like in PHP does Arangoex and ArangoDB_ecto use Prepared Statements?

Yes, it translates the pinned variables from Ecto to AQL bind parameters (