FoundationDB is a distributed database with ACID transactions. ( ). The adapter is still very early stage, but some basic functionality works, and I’m interested in gathering some early feedback.
There are no published docs yet, but in addition to the README, some more documentation can be found in the Ecto.Adapters.FoundationDB module.
Due to FoundationDB’s Layer Concept, EctoFoundationDB is a more than a wrapper. It has opinionated default behavior that is intended to fit the needs of modern web applications, and it also allows you to add structure to your data beyond the table. It does both of these things with ACID transactions, to ensure your entire data model is in a consistent state no matter what.
For example, maybe you want to put all your Users in a durable queue to process later. Or maybe you’re interested in implementing your own vector similarity search directly on top of your existing data model. Perhaps you’re intrigued by the sound of automatic schema migrations. Maybe you just need some very solid simple data storage with high availability.
EctoFoundationDB can help you do any of this.
For me, after managing various medium-to-large-scale SQL and NoSQL databases in production for 12 years and eventually deciding I’m more of a NoSQL guy, I simply wanted an Ecto adapter where I felt like I was at home.
Finally, thanks to @Schultzer and @warmwaffles for their open source adapters. I learned a lot from ecto_qlc and ecto_sqlite3, and you should definitely check them out!
There are 2 new features for writing fast transactions:
Pipelining: The technique of sending multiple queries to a database at the same time, and then receiving the results at a later time, still within the transaction. In doing so, you can avoid waiting for multiple network round trips. EctoFDB provides an async/await syntax on the Repo.
Upserts: Support for Ecto options :on_conflict and :conflict_target
For example, we can combine these features into the transaction below, which safely transfers 1 unit from Alice’s balance to Bob’s balance. With Pipelining and Upserts, there are 2 waits for data from the network (best case).
(Reminder: FoundationDB’s transactions are ACID and globally serializable)
def transfer_1_from_alice_to_bob(tenant) do
Repo.transaction(fn ->
a_future = Repo.async_get_by(User, name: "Alice")
b_future = Repo.async_get_by(User, name: "Bob")
# 1. wait (Alice and Bob pipelined)
[alice, bob] = Repo.await([a_future, b_future])
if alice.balance > 0 do
# No wait here (because of `conflict_target: []`)
Repo.insert(%User{alice | balance: alice.balance - 1}, conflict_target: [])
Repo.insert(%User{bob | balance: bob.balance + 1}, conflict_target: [])
raise "Overdraft"
# 2. wait (transaction commit)
end, prefix: tenant)
Compare with this logically equivalant transaction, implemented without pipelining nor upserts. It waits 5 times for data on the network.
def transfer_1_from_alice_to_bob_but_with_more_waiting(tenant) do
Repo.transaction(fn ->
# 1. wait
alice = Repo.get_by(User, name: "Alice")
# 2. wait
bob = Repo.get_by(User, name: "Bob")
if alice.balance > 0 do
# 3. wait
Repo.update(User.change_balance(alice, -1))
# 4. wait
Repo.update(User.change_balance(bob, 1))
raise "Overdraft"
# 5. wait (transaction commit)
end, prefix: tenant)
We’ve refactored the implementation of multitenancy, making 0.3.0 incompatible with data from previous versions. If you have a database that needs to be upgraded, please submit an issue.
New feature: Watches
FoundationDB Watches are similar to Triggers in an RDBMS. Registering a watch on a particular key provides a guarantee* that when that key in the database is changed, the client application is notified with a push-style notification, delivered directly to the Elixir process that requested it.
future =, label: :mystruct, prefix: tenant)
# later on...
receive do
{ref, :ready} ->
# `struct` changed
Livebook | Watches in LiveView has a demonstration of using Watches instead of PubSub with a simple phoenix_playground app.
In a FoundationDB key-value pair, a value is limited to 100,000 Bytes. Previously EctoFoundationDB did not protect your app from this limitation. Now, we will split the binary among several keys behind the scenes. No changes to the API surface. Note: other FDB limitations still apply.