Hi dear friends
I am new in Elixir
I made a table using Migration
also I create a schema the program is in continue
defmodule Houshold.HtmlApi.Device.DeviceSchema do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
schema "devices" do # name of Schema (devises) is equal
#with name of table that create using Migration
#defines the structure of data and maps it to a database (like PostgreSQL، MySQL, ...) table.
field :name, :string
# validate and transform data before saving it to the database
def changeset(device, params \\ %{}) do
|> cast(params, [:name]) # Filters and allows only the fields specified in the list
|> validate_required([:name], message: "fill all fields") #Ensures certain fields are present and cannot be empty
|> validate_length(:name, max: 10, message: "out of range ") #to validate the length of a field
also I made a query
defmodule Houshold.HtmlApi.Device.DeviceQuery do
alias Houshold.HtmlApi.Device.DeviceSchema, as: DeviceSchema
# create a function to add device feuture to created teble in Schema
# atters is a string like: device = "mobile"
def add_device(attrs) do
case Houshold.Repo.insert %DeviceSchema{name: attrs} do
{:ok, struct} -> {:ok, struct}
{:error, changeset} -> {:error, changeset}
there is not error but use validation for length of string should not be more than 10 character (validate_length(:name, max: 10, message: "out of range "))
but it didn’t work even when the name is more than 10 character it print the name but I want to print message: "out of range "
thank you