So I am using the Ecto/PSQL join/select query at the end of this post to get select child and parent data to show through a feed.
I am then matching the selected variables in my html.eex template with elem(child_parent_data, 1).
Two questions:
Is this the most efficient way to get this joined/selected data, by selecting it and feeding object through elem(object, index)?
Do you think pattern matching elem(object, index) to a map ( %{"parent_logo" => elem(object, 0), "parent_name" => ...} etc. ) then feeding the map to a template would be more expensive or less expensive than just passing elem(object, index)s directly in the template?
The query:
def get_children_with_parents do
query = from c in Child,
where: c.is_active == true,
join: p in Parents, where: == c.parent_id,
select: {
Ecto supports selecting into a map directly. Not sure if it has any measurable performance impact vs tuples, but it is certainly more convenient than remembering the order of elements in a tuple
I don’t think there is a performance difference between map and tuple. But tuple, especially long tuple, is hard to remember the position of each element. So I rarely use tuples for database results.
For better maintainability, why not create relationship and use preload like this: