Ecto query order for preload

Hey, I have this query:

recording_query =
    r in Recording,
    order_by: [desc:],
    where: r.user_id == ^,
    preload: [:user, comment: [:user]],
    select: r


How can I order the preloaded data? the comments here?

figured it myself:

comment_order_query = from(c in Comment, order_by: c.inserted_at, preload: [:user])

recording_query =
    r in Recording,
    order_by: [desc:],
    where: r.user_id == ^,
    preload: [:user, comment: ^comment_order_query],
    select: r


Is there a way to get recording’s comment ONLY instead of preloading a list of all?

I think you can join the comment and then select that.

Hi thank you for the response,

to add on, i am retrieving a list of items that preload their children. In my case, how can I achieve that?

e.g. I am getting a list of recordings with comments and i want to sort comment (for example) by title ascending order


  r in query,
  # join: c in assoc(r, :comments),
  join: rc in assoc(, :recording_comments),
  preload: [
    comments: from(t2 in Comment,
      where: == rc.comment_id, # I think this pointing is what i miss, but how can i achieve this?
    order_by: t2.inserted_at, preload: [:tag_group])
  order_by: [asc: rc.title]

I have tried something like this guy do: Preload with order_by from another table with Ecto

but the order is fucked and some data is missing. so i am very confused

I don’t think you can do preload ordering like this.

What type of relation do you have here?

With this you are applying ordering to r.
You need to select the comments in your query.
select: c or rc depending on what is what.

I have a files that has a middle table of file_tags and tags. So the relationship is really straightforward:
1 files can have multiple file_tags, file_tags has FKs of files and tags


I have a files that has a middle table of file_tags and tags.

For instance:
1 file can have multiple file_tags, file_tags has FKs of files and tags to form a relationship like: filesfile_tagstags

I am trying to get the tags of the files preloaded by doing:

from(f in File, as: :f)
|> ...
|> join(:left, [f: f], ft in FileTag, on: ft.file_id ==, as: :ft)
|> join(:left, [ft: ft], t in Tag, on: == ft.tag_id, as: :t)
|> join(:inner, [t: t], tg in TagGroup, on: == t.tag_group_id, as: :tg)
|> preload([t: t, tg: tg], tags: {t, tag_group: tg})
|> order_by([ft: ft, f: f], asc: ft.inserted_at, desc: f.updated_at)
|> Repo.all()

I managed to order it but the number of files become 1 right now.

i believe my query is fine and i cant figure out what’s wrong … :skull:

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes,
Jing Hui P.

Hmm, any chance there’s only one file that has a tag belonging to a tag group? If so, that inner join would return only that one file.

If you want all the files returned regardless of whether their tags belong to a tag group, try switching to a left join.

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No, i have a list of files that linked to many tags.


I believe this should be the approach, i just need to declare this in my schema:

 many_to_many(:tags, Tag, join_through: FileTag, preload_order: [asc: :inserted_at])

BUT, i actually want the inserted_at of the FileTag NOT the File, something like this:

many_to_many(:tags, Tag, join_through: FileTag, preload_order: [asc: ^ft.inserted_at])

Reference: Support `order_by` in associations · Issue #3509 · elixir-ecto/ecto · GitHub

I think instead of many_to_many you could do:

    has_many :file_tags, FileTag, preload_order: [asc: :inserted_at]
    has_many :tags, through: [:file_tags, :tag]

and then preload the :tags in your query.




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HIi @benonymus,

after introducing this change, it breaks my put_assoc, is there any practice to follow to make my put_assoc work?

because currently i am getting this error:

[error] GenServer #PID<0.810.0> terminating
** (ArgumentError) cannot put assoc `tags`, assoc `tags` not found. Make sure it is spelled correctly and that the association type is not read-only

Thanks in advance.

That is expected. The last line from the docs I linked: Ecto.Schema — Ecto v3.10.2

Note :through associations are read-only. For example, you cannot use Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc/3 to modify through associations.

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Thank you so much for the pointer!

@benonymus Thank you.

For those who might try to research similar topics as me, this is my workaround:

has_many(:file_tags, FileTag, preload_order: [asc: :id])
has_many(:sorted_tags, through: [:file_tags, :tag]) # I use this when i need to display

many_to_many(:tags, Tag, join_through: FileTag) # This for default behaviour, such as put_assoc 

Hope it helps

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