Ecto schema and form's masked input correlation

Hello! I have a form where user inputs a phone (and other fields). I attach phx-hook to this input only, so it adds some masking for phone. Next, I have an ecto scheme and changeset to validate this input. When user inputs it masked, so validation handle_event function gets it like “+1 234 567 89 00” from params, but in ecto changeset i need to validate: is not empty (so only digits string should exist), starts from some number, the length should be i range and etc. So i create a new field where i delete all non digit symbols from incoming string, and validate this string for all i need. So, if i change input before pass it to changeset, it applies errors in “to_form(changeset)”, but it also changes input value. In other case, I create a new field in changeset, cast and validate it, so initial attrs didn’t change so form value didn’t change too. But it’s hard to relate validation errors from changeset to apply it in UI. How do you solve a problem like this? Did I miss a ready-made solution?

If I understand your problem correctly, you want to validate the phone number and normalize the entered value when it is actually written to the database, is that correct? If so, you might want to have a look at Ecto.Changeset.prepare_changes/2.

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Thanks for the answer! To clarify the topic, I’ll add a little code:

def render (assigns) do
          label="Phone number"

def handle_event("validate", %{"some_input" => some_input} = props, socket) do
    changeset =
      SomeInput.changeset(%SomeInput{}, some_input)

    socket = socket |> assign(:form, to_form(changeset, action: :validate))
export const PhoneInput = {
    mounted() {
        this.el.addEventListener("input", e => {
            let match = this.el.value.replace(/\D/g, "")
                        //+1 234 567 89 00
            if(match) {
            this.el.value = `+${match[1]} ${match[2]} ${match[3]} ${match[4]} ${match[5]}`
  @primary_key false
  embedded_schema do
    field :phone, :string
    field :name, :string

  def changeset(some_input, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:phone, :name])
    |> validate_phone(attrs)
    |> validate_name(attrs)

  def validate_phone(changeset, attrs) do
    |> validate_format(:phone, ~r/^1/, message: "Should start with 1")
    |> validate_length(:phone,
      is: 11,
      message: "Should be 11 characters long"
    # |> more validatation cases here and in db phone will be stored as a string of 11 digits

As you can see, i need to remove all non-digit symbols before validation pipes even only for validation.

I don’t think you need the hook here. You can define custom validation functions with Ecto.Changeset.validate_change/3. You can process the value in your custom validation function and then check the format. Or you can use Ecto.Changeset.update_change/3 to format the value before you run other validation functions.

You might want to consider using ExPhoneNumber for phone number validation, though. It will provide much better validation.

For storage, you should consider the e164 format. You can use ExPhoneNumber to convert the value into this format as well.

So roughly (not tested):

def changeset(schema, attrs) do
  |> cast(attrs, [:phone])
  |> validate_change(:phone, &validate_phone/2)
  |> prepare_changes(fn changeset ->
       if phone = get_change(changeset, :phone) do
         {:ok, phone_number} = ExPhoneNumber.parse(phone)
         ExPhoneNumber.format(phone_number, :e164)

def validate_phone(field, value) do
  case ExPhoneNumber.parse(value) do
    {:ok, _phone_number} ->
      # add further validation as needed on the parsed phone number

    _ ->
      [{field, "invalid phone number"}]