Ecto/SQL group results into array

Hiya Everyone,

I’ve got a query like so:

Repo.all from m in Message,
      join: s in assoc(m, :shop),
      where: not is_nil(m.shop_id),
      group_by: [m.shop_id, s.shop_name, m.number,],
      select: {m.shop_id, s.shop_name, m.number,}

Which outputs:

  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop", "12345",
  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop", "12345",
  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop", "12345",

I would appreciate some help to get it like so:

  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop", "12345",
   ["10369089-b333-4d06-818d-a52eca546d6e", "36820133-a947-4f87-b2a7-0b7253930c5a", "7c396315-3ba4-4388-bb5d-1b22c6013b10"]}

Is it even possible to get that result with only a query?

Try to remove from group_by clause and replace in select clause with fragment("ARRAY_AGG(?)",

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Mmm sadly still not, I’m still trying more things but so far the output for your suggestion is:

  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Store", "12345",
   [<<54, 130, 1, 51, 169, 71, 79, 135, 178, 167, 11, 114, 83, 147, 12, 90>>]},
  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Store", "12345",
   [<<124, 57, 99, 21, 59, 164, 67, 136, 187, 93, 27, 34, 198, 1, 59, 16>>]},
  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Store", "12345",
   [<<16, 54, 144, 137, 179, 51, 77, 6, 129, 141, 165, 46, 202, 84, 109, 110>>]}

That’s certainly closer to what I need though, so thanks :slight_smile: I’m hoping to find a way to merge the 3 rows into one and have the differing IDs in an array.

That is the same data, now you need just cast it to canonical string representation.

Can you show the exact query you ran? The result you are showing has identical values in the first 3 positions which is impossible if you’re grouping on those 3 values.

Yea technology hates me :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is the query:

Repo.all from m in Message,
      join: s in assoc(m, :shop),
      where: not is_nil(m.shop_id),
      group_by: [m.shop_id, s.shop_name, m.number],
      select: {m.shop_id, s.shop_name, m.number, fragment("ARRAY_AGG(?)",}

The IDs (message_id and shop_id) are :binary_id not sure if that complicates matters?

Here is the resulting query in my terminal:

SELECT m0."shop_id", s1."shop_name", m0."number", ARRAY_AGG(m0."id") FROM "messages" AS m0 INNER JOIN "shops" AS s1 ON s1."id" = m0."shop_id" WHERE (NOT (m0."shop_id" IS NULL)) GROUP BY m0."shop_id", s1."shop_name", m0."number" []

type(fragment(...), {:array, :binary_id}) should help


Ah, well, yes it’d help if I tell it that huh. Heh, thanks, that piece is sorted now.

  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop", "12345",
  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop", "12345",
  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop", "12345",

I’m encrypting that number field (ecto_cloak). And even though it appears the same in the terminal, I assume that’s why it’s not grouping correctly?

Yea, I tweaked it a little to array_agg the numbers as well, it’s the ecto_cloak encryption I suppose:

  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop",
     <<1, 10, 65, 69, 83, 46, 71, 67, 77, 46, 86, 49, 212, 207, 211, 232, 205,
       77, 80, 19, 80, 91, 92, 153, 56, 47, 23, 163, 131, 6, 31, 251, 105, 5,
       158, 86, 124, 198, 11, 103, 9, 170, 204, 70, 83, ...>>,
     <<1, 10, 65, 69, 83, 46, 71, 67, 77, 46, 86, 49, 72, 128, 248, 0, 127, 6,
       54, 37, 74, 154, 212, 46, 153, 244, 22, 32, 89, 222, 64, 134, 213, 67,
       248, 204, 50, 4, 44, 31, 103, 49, 166, 156, ...>>,
     <<1, 10, 65, 69, 83, 46, 71, 67, 77, 46, 86, 49, 70, 244, 226, 131, 92, 19,
       60, 99, 147, 248, 34, 185, 236, 34, 9, 58, 122, 162, 127, 228, 132, 168,
       121, 69, 69, 81, 115, 118, 10, 239, 57, ...>>

Thanks for chiming in everyone – if I remove the encrypted field from the query, it does what it’s supposed to. I’ll work around that other field I guess :slight_smile:

Repo.all from m in Message,
      join: s in assoc(m, :shop),
      where: not is_nil(m.shop_id),
      group_by: [m.shop_id, s.shop_name],
      select: {m.shop_id, s.shop_name, type(fragment("ARRAY_AGG(?)",, {:array, :binary_id})}
  {"63adc0d5-bc3f-498a-816b-e8f43a01c62e", "Some Shop",

Ahhh yeah if the actual value in the database is not identical then the group by will not work as you expect.

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