Hello #{user.name} :D,
this is TypedStruct plugin to generate __changeset__
function on structure that can be used in ecto by Ecto.Changeset.cast
I have phoenix app that does not use database and wanted some alternative to Ecto.Schema
(also I’m using dialyzer extensiveli, which is + for ts) and in the end I found out that typedstruct
plugin system is easiest way to go
You can add this plugin to your typedstruct definition
defmodule Sample do
typedstruct do
plugin TypedStructEctoChangeset
field :age, integer()
field :name, String.t()
And then you can cast this struct using changeset
iex> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%Sample{}, %{"age" => 23, "name" => "John Doe"}, [:age, :name])
For now it missing support for embeds…
Thank’s for feedback