Editing error page 404 in phoenix framework

Dear All,

I can’t make custom error page
I try follow tutorial in Custom Error Pages — Phoenix v1.7.14 but not works
I am using Windows 11, Elixir 1.17.3, Phoenix 1.7.14

I try to disable debug mode in dev.exs but when restarting it’s showing offline and not route to my custom error page 404.html.heex

You would have to provide more information for us to help you.
What is the error? What is the content of your router.ex file?
How did you create / trigger error?

  scope "/", MyAppWeb do
    pipe_through :browser

    get "/", HomeController, :home
    get "/about", HomeController, :home_about
    get "/feature", HomeController, :home_feature
    get "/pricing", HomeController, :home_pricing
    get "/product", HomeController, :home_product
    get "/careers", HomeController, :home_careers


I only have the code like above, nothing i change, only follow the step in the official tutorial,

step i use

  1. disable debug mode in dev.exs
  2. make directory of error_html contain 1 file such as : 404.html.heex
  3. commenting the code in error.html.ex according the tutorial
  4. uncomment the embed_templates “error_html/*”

the code in error_html.ex like below :

defmodule MyAppWeb.ErrorHTML do
  use MyAppWeb, :html
  embed_templates "error_html/*"

When you visit a not found page, what you see?

Only offline, not showing the custom 404 page, i don’t know if those is bugs

Can you please share the screenshot of what you are seeing?

Sorry All,

I was misplaced the error_html folder that must be place into folder controller LOL