Elixir 1.9.4 Edeliver1.7/Distillery2.1.0 upgrade build error: Multiply defined module

I have tried the solution of deleting the build directory from the link below:

And still get the following error:

Copying applications to _build/staging/rel/myapp_web
==> Generating relup for myapp_web
==> myapp_mailer requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for myapp_mailer 0.0.9 -> 0.1.1
==> gettext requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for gettext 0.16.1 -> 0.17.1
==> kernel has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for kernel 6.0 -> 6.5
==> phoenix_pubsub requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for phoenix_pubsub 1.0.2 -> 1.1.2
==> iex requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for iex 1.7.4 -> 1.9.4
==> phoenix_html requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for phoenix_html 2.11.1 -> 2.13.3
==> myapp_web requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for myapp_web 4.0.77 -> 4.1.1
==> stdlib has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for stdlib 3.5.1 -> 3.10
==> distillery requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for distillery 2.0.2 -> 2.1.1
==> myapp requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for myapp 0.0.50 -> 0.1.1
==> phoenix_ecto requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for phoenix_ecto 3.3.0 -> 4.1.0
==> ecto_sql requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for ecto_sql 3.0.4 -> 3.2.2
==> comeonin requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for comeonin 4.1.1 -> 5.1.3
==> runtime_tools has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for runtime_tools 1.13 -> 1.14
==> bamboo_smtp requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for bamboo_smtp 1.6.0 -> 2.1.0
==> bamboo requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for bamboo 1.1.0 -> 1.3.0
==> ssl_verify_fun requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for ssl_verify_fun 1.1.4 -> 1.1.5
==> ecto requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for ecto 3.1.4 -> 3.2.5
==> asn1 has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for asn1 5.0.6 -> 5.0.9
==> logger requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for logger 1.7.4 -> 1.9.4
==> phoenix requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for phoenix 1.3.2 -> 1.4.11
==> myapp_admin requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for myapp_admin 0.0.22 -> 0.1.1
==> cowlib requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for cowlib 1.0.2 -> 2.8.0
==> elixir requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for elixir 1.7.4 -> 1.9.4
==> bcrypt_elixir requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for bcrypt_elixir 1.0.6 -> 2.0.3
==> ranch requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for ranch 1.3.2 -> 1.7.1
==> eex requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for eex 1.7.4 -> 1.9.4
==> ssl has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for ssl 9.0 -> 9.4
==> csv requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for csv 2.1.1 -> 2.3.1
==> artificery requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for artificery 0.2.6 -> 0.4.2
==> mix requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for mix 1.7.4 -> 1.9.4
==> sasl has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for sasl 3.2 -> 3.4.1
==> compiler has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for compiler 7.2.2 -> 7.4.9
==> hackney requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for hackney 1.15.1 -> 1.15.2
==> cowboy requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for cowboy 1.1.2 -> 2.7.0
==> crypto has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for crypto 4.3 -> 4.6.2
==> postgrex requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for postgrex 0.14.1 -> 0.15.1
==> decimal requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for decimal 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0
==> inets has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for inets 7.0 -> 7.1.1
==> db_connection requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for db_connection 2.0.3 -> 2.1.1
==> plug requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for plug 1.5.0 -> 1.8.3
==> edeliver requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for edeliver 1.6.0 -> 1.7.0
==> gen_smtp requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for gen_smtp 0.12.0 -> 0.15.0
==> public_key has an appup file, but it is invalid for this release,
    Backing up appfile with .bak extension and generating new one..
==> Generated .appup for public_key 1.6.1 -> 1.7
==> telemetry requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for telemetry 0.3.0 -> 0.4.1
==> mime requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for mime 1.2.0 -> 1.3.1
==> myapp_utils requires an appup, but it wasn't provided, one will be generated for you..
==> Generated .appup for myapp_utils 0.0.13 -> 0.1.1
==> Release failed with multiple errors:
    Multiply defined module: 'Elixir.Plug.Crypto.KeyGenerator'

I am using edeliver 1.7 and distillery 2.1.0 with an umbrella project. I have been using edeliver and distillery with elixir 1.6 successfully. The recent upgrade to 1.9 has forced the updates of distillery and edeliver. I appreciate any feedback.

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I also am experiencing this issue and have not found a solution. I’ve been stuck debugging this issue for days so it would be great if anyone knows a solution!

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