Ah I see… I think perhaps the Elixir blog posts thread should be ok then
https://dashbit.co/blog/speeding-up-re-compilation-of-elixir-projects - An overview of when files need to be re-compiled, what does that mean for a typical Phoenix project, and what we can do about it!
A follow-up on the one above: Rewriting imports to aliases with compilation tracers
A naive way to generate sequential UUIDv4
That statement “sequential UUIDv4” makes absolutely no sense. What you are generating there is the variation of unofficial UUIDv6 which is modification of UUIDv1.
Tutorial series on building a shop management app using Vue(Typescript) and Phoenix (Complete)
Hey everyone
Just published a blogpost on using Tail Call Optimization with Elixir!
Feel free to provide feedback and suggest changes. Thanks
I think that you should read Efficiency Myths and Erlang’s Tail Recursion is Not a Silver Bullet. Also I think factorial is not the best example for checking whether TCO is good thing there or not.
Already read the first one. Really liked this:
Rewriting Erlang code to a NIF to make it faster should be seen as a last resort. It is only guaranteed to be dangerous, but not guaranteed to speed up the program.
I’ll check the second one out.
Also, can you suggest a better function to use in order to demonstrate TCO and why? I thought this was a simple enough function to understand and use but I’m sure there might be better alternatives
Fresh off the press : https://andrealeopardi.com/posts/process-pools-with-elixirs-registry/
I’ve just published posts about WatermelonDB + Phoenix (as sync backend) :
Inspired by this forum thread, I spent some time learning binary things in Elixir. As a by-product, I wrote a serial of blogs about binaries in Q&A.
Questions for BitString, Binary, Charlist, and String in Elixir
Have fun playing with binaries!
Wrote a blog post how to setup Phoenix and LiveView to work without cookies and sessions.
Phoenix and LiveView without cookies
P.S. Blog is still work in progress, so not the best usability.
Do you know how the BEAM VM that Elixir runs on achieves its concurrency?
In our latest blog, Francesco Cesarini and Gábor Oláh analyse what makes the BEAM so suited to concurrency. In the process, they explain the difference between concurrency and parallelism and compare the BEAM and JVM virtual machines.
Read the blog to learn more https://www2.erlang-solutions.com/beamvmvjvm4
I put my thoughts about Hot Deploys in Elixir into words
Thanks for posting that Greg! It’s a good perspective. I wonder if there’s an automated way to detect that the hot deploy is safe? Probably not, although it would probably be easier to detect the opposite, that a particular deploy was not safe because the state of a long-running process changes, especially if you structure your GenServer state as a struct.
Thanks @axelson. To be honest, I have not spent much time thinking about automated detection. I’ve kind of reached my local maxima of laziness about deploys, which is the subtext of the blog . But to your point, I definitely agree it would be easier to detect certain changes are unsafe (or perhaps more precisely: certain changes will require appup or code_changed callbacks). I imagine there’s wisdom and experience about this sort of thing in the Erlang community, however Elixir macros and protocols could serve as an extra complexity.
Hi All,
We’ve launched a new blog series where Martin Gausby from our team will be looking at some of the brilliant tools and frameworks created by the Elixir community. For his first blog, he looks at StreamData, which was started by Andrea Leopardi.
Take a look at https://www2.erlang-solutions.com/elixircommunitytoolsstreamdata4
One of the developers from our team took the time to reflect on what he would look for when picking a programming language and discussed how Elixir meets these requirements.
We’d love to hear if you would choose Elixir again in 2020 and why?
Uncomfortable question 001
What would you do if you find a tool with significantly more features than the one you are already comfortable working with?
spoiler: in this article I tell how I met Elixir & Erlang, and how it changed my goals