Elixir Blog Posts

Hey all, the Elixir community has been so welcoming to me and I wanted to give some tips to any beginners. I first dabbled with Elixir over a year ago but I hit the ground running with Elixir ~6 months ago and since then I have published 2 packages and will be speaking at ElixirConf US. Here are 5 tips I have for Elixir beginners to optimize your experience learning the language.


@alexpls congrats on making the front page of HN!


Hey Linus,

Thanks for pointing this out! Youā€™re absolutely correct. Iā€™ve updated the blog post to reflect this info and gave you a nod in the post as well :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading!

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What does connected even do, anyway?

I always hated dropping right into an if statement in the mount callback of my LiveViews.

What if we could have separate function heads for (dis)connected mounts?

Turns out, we can. And itā€™s pretty easy, too!


Hey folks! Got a follow up to my previous SVG sparklines post, this time going into detail about getting the timeseries data used to build the chart (again with an Elixir example):


Iā€™m back :slight_smile:

My head hit the keyboard when I learned about how much time I had been wasting while debugging dependencies.

Read more: Library authors hate this one weird trick! - John Elm Labs

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Written with help from @paraxialio and @wojtekmach


A helpful breakdown of Elixir HTTP clients, written by Andrea Leopardi:


Iā€™ve been missing having a blog lately, so hereā€™s a first post from something new: Easier Recursion :: The Programmer's Stone


Awesome blog post! I really enjoy this type of content. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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A beginner-level post that shows how to strip the trailing slash from a URL when using Phoenix.

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I too have largely avoided the Stream module, mistakenly thinking it was complicated or inefficient when Enum is ā€œgood enoughā€. Your post was a great illustration of how Stream can actually simplify and clarify code when working with series of data. Great to see you blogging again! :tada:

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I wrote a post about why daisyUI is a good fit for a Phoenix project, and how to set it up.

The post contains some of the material distilled from this elixirforum.com thread and combines it with some of my own learned experiences with daisyUI. My intention was to put everything in one easy-to-read post so people donā€™t have to digging around for information on the subject.

EDIT: Sorry for tagging you @stevegrossi, that was an accident. :sweat_smile:


Hi, I wrote an article on how to use Jinterface and set up communication between Elixir and Java nodes - Communicating between Elixir and Java using Jinterface

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Thank you!, more please!

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Interesting and fun blog post ElixirForCynicalCurmudgeons which is currently #4 on the front page of Hacker News.

The final line of the post:

Itā€™s been a long time since a programming language made me this happy.


I love that you reply this one to meā€¦ what you trying to say?.. :laughing:
Sir Iā€™m jaded not Cynical.

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Iā€™m never quite sure where to reply in a ā€œlong runningā€ threads. Please be assured my comments were not intended as a negative reflection on the value of polygons!

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I implemented the Random Cut Forest anomaly detection algorithm in Elixir this weekend, using Nx and ExZipper. Thereā€™s definitely a lot of room for optimizing performance (in Elixir or through a NIF), but I was impressed with how easy it was to work with Nx tensors and recreate results from the research paper.

Thereā€™s a livebook in the post, in case anyone wants to run it at home!

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How can we avoid runtime exceptions when using mocks and behaviors? With a little bit of compile time config. Read more:

This post was made possibly only with special help from @benwilson512 - Thank you Ben!