Hello! I am starting to learn Elixir, but I am having a problem when I try to run any Elixir commands on my Windows Terminal. I am using the last Elixir/Erlang version, and I get this problem: https://imgur.com/a/KqYNKYb
Nothing happens. Can someone please help me? Thanks in advance!
I installed through the Elixir Web Setup, which I downloaded in the Elixir Official Website, when I tried that command and I get the same “error”: nothing happens. It does not open any windows.
I’m sure I’ve read about this same issue already… Though I can’t find it right now.
What version of elixir did you install from the web installer? Which version of erlang did you/it install? Does erl or werl make anything happen on your system?
What is the output of where elixir (and also mix, erl and iex)?
I know you’re probably tired of getting on this question but you’ve helped me before and I promise to actually respond and do what you ask NobbZ so pleeeeaaaase help me. I have installed using both the official site and chocolatey neither works. It stopped working right after I installed postresql, node, and phoenix.
iex --werl and erl didn’t do anything
Using the elixir windows installer
Elixir v. 1.13.4
Erlang v. 24.1.4
ERTS v. 12.1.4
All three bins are in my path enviornment variable
when I type where elixir (or erl, iex, or mix) it says 'where' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I figured it out, I was missing the C:\Windows\System32 path from the user variables and it is working now. Thank you Nobbz I’m sorry people on this chain didn’t respond to you but you saved my butt. I appreciate you!