Elixir-Elm integration updates and links

I would like to maintain a list of Elixir-Elm integration efforts/updates. To start with here are some, feel free to update it.

  1. http://www.cultivatehq.com/posts/phoenix-elm-1/ (At present there are 13 parts of the blog on same)
  2. https://medium.com/@diamondgfx/setting-up-elm-with-phoenix-be3a9f55bac2#.gndkdhd35
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgFDZx1LmOE

We’ve got an Elm wiki here Kuldeep Elm - General Discussion, Blog Posts, Wiki do you think it might be worth having everything in one place? If so feel free to add stuff to that wiki :023:

Thats great. I will add stuffs on the Wiki!

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