Elixir/Erlang library recommendation for read/write excel file

I’ve a excel file that’s looks like a template and just fill data into a cell in the file. So i just want to know that do you have any recommended Elixir or Erlang for read and write an excel file?


I don’t have a specific recommendation for you, but when looking for Elixir/Erlang libraries etc., hex.pm is a good place to start.

Doing a search for excel brings back 12 results with xlsxir being the most popular and looks like it can probably do what you need.


You want to search for xlsx: https://hex.pm/packages/elixlsx


Thanks for all you guys for suggestions. :slight_smile:

After I research for a while, the excel libraries in hexpm today have support either read or write excel file, not both. That looks like I need to have extra work to support both sides.

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Excelizer seems to support writing and reading, but I’m not sure if it’s something you’d want. It has hardly any downloads and it’s actually a wrapper around a Go library.