While the recommendations are solid they totally ignore the existence of Kyle Simpson’s more comprehensive “You don’t know JS” approach to learning JavaScript:
- Up & Going
- Scope and Closures
- this & Object prototypes
- Types & Grammar
- Async & Performance
- ES6 & Beyond
- Functional Light JavaScript
Honourable mention:
- Reg Braithwaite’s JavaScript Allongé, the “Six” Edition
I keep being puzzled about some of the “first” programming language recommendations. It seems that most recommendations are based on the on the assumption that the “first” language should be familiar/easy to learn to get the learner “programming” as soon as possible with a minimum amount of frustration regardless of the constrained mindset that it may initially create. I view this as a “save now, pay later” approach as it will later be necessary to “undo” many parts of the early mindset as other language skills are being acquired.
The “first” language is an opportunity to build a solid foundation where upon to build further skills later, which is why this still remains my “first” programming language recommendation.
I’m a bit dubious about learning Ruby before Elixir. My personal experience was that I could never warm up to Ruby’s syntax - I’ve had no such issues which Elixir.