Elixir Forum Helpers Group!

Hello everyone!

As the forum and community continues to grow we thought it was time we revived our forum helpers group. If you’re a regular member and want to try and help make our community the best it can be we encourage you to join!

As a forum helper you will get access to a special section where you can:

  • Check with a team member whether something needs to be recategorised, re-titled or tagged.
  • Alert us to anything you think we might need to look at.
  • Get details on how to set a good example for our newbies.
  • Learn how to approach common issues we might encounter on the forum.

There won’t be a strict requirement on ‘helping’, it’s mainly for those who would like to try and help as and when they can.

If this interests you please pm @AstonJ :023:


Hello Community,

I’m excited about the revival of the forum helpers group. This is the great initiative for community helpers groups for exploring this forum at best.

Hoping for best community!
