Hello All,
I don’t know how to ask this question or if I am asking it in the right place, but I need some suggestions/guidance. I am currently taking EDU courses in university that revolves around designing and assessing curriculum in K-12 gifted students.
On of the main projects is designing a curriculum that uses the CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards and Core Standards (I am in Iowa, so I’ll be using Iowa standards for Technology Literacy).
There is already a plethora of information in Scratch and Python, so I am trying to design something for Elixir and Functional Programming.
My questions are:
If you had to teach functional programming in K-12:
Where would you start?
How would you do it?
What would you teach?
Would concurrency be better off taught in another semester of the course, say two courses one in the fall the other in spring?
If you were in high school, what would you have wanted to learn?
Here is a quick outline that I have going on:
Unit 1: Getting Started: Background, Tools, Brief CS Overview
Unit 2: Computer Science Fundamentals: Variables, Conditionals, Functions
Unit 3: Data Types: Integers, Characters, Boolean, Atoms, Structures
Unit 4: Organizing Data: Modules, Functions,
Unit 5: …
Unit 6: …
Each unit will have a project at the end.
Thanks in advance!