I am doing images upload.
from form, I am getting these parameters in my controller.
"description" => "Sample Product",
"images" => [
content_type: "image/jpeg",
filename: "deuteronomy-2223-eggstransvestite-transvestism-cross-dressing-cult-prostitutes-lost-and-found-35-638.jpg",
path: "/tmp/plug-1586/multipart-1586544497-662772098094503-1"
content_type: "image/png",
filename: "Screenshot from 2020-01-23 12-53-10.png",
path: "/tmp/plug-1586/multipart-1586544498-689460437530082-1"
content_type: "image/png",
filename: "Screenshot from 2020-01-23 12-52-42.png",
path: "/tmp/plug-1586/multipart-1586544498-797645038247073-1"
"name" => "TV"
Before Repo.insert operation. I need to upload the images to s3 and form a struct like below
Product Table Struct
%{ name: "TV", description: "Sample Product"}
Product Images Table Struct
%{ product_id: "#{from above inserted result}", image_name: "s3_url_1"},
%{ product_id: "#{from above inserted result}", image_name: "s3_url_2"},
%{ product_id: "#{from above inserted result}", image_name: "s3_url_3"}
Form Params
"description" => "Sample Product",
"images" => [
content_type: "image/jpeg",
filename: "found-35-638.jpg",
path: "/tmp/plug-1586/multipart-1586545083-172908842785287-1"
content_type: "image/png",
filename: "Screenshot from 2020-01-23 12-53-10.png",
path: "/tmp/plug-1586/multipart-1586545084-376423312372147-1"
content_type: "image/png",
filename: "Screenshot from 2020-01-23 12-52-42.png",
path: "/tmp/plug-1586/multipart-1586545084-229324763820405-1"
"name" => "TV"
I can easily get the product struct. For getting product image table struct first i have to upload all the images and then form a struct.
My question is
- when I upload images in the same order in which i am getting from form params. For ex
“images” => [ “image_1”, “image_2”, “image_3”]. So i need to upload all the three images and store in DB in the same order.
For ex
Repo.insert( %{image_name: “image_1”})
Repo.insert( %{image_name: “image_2”})
Repo.insert( %{image_name: “image_3”})
I mean the order must not change while insert in DB. Because if image 1 is a very big one and it will take time so before image 1 insert image 2 and image 3 will be inserted. That should not happen.
images_map = Enum.reduce(images, [], fn x, acc ->
image_url = upload_to_s3(x) #return s3 URL
[{:image_name, image_url} | acc]
I am getting this output
[image_name: "s3_url", image_name: "s3_url", image_name: "s3_url"]
but I need in this format
%{ image_name: "s3_url_1"},
%{ image_name: "s3_url_2"},
%{ image_name: "s3_url_3"}
Can anyone give me insight on how to achieve this? Your help is greatly appreciated.Thanks