Elixir Installer For Windows

Erlang and Elixir are already installed.

I can bring up IEx.

When I run mix deps.get it asks me to install HEX… (details in my initial post)

I cant get beyond that point.

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Ah, apologies. Overlooked that.

Can’t think of anything except run mix deps.get on another machine and then just copy the deps directory over.

I already have the deps and _build folders copied from my dev machine to the server.

It still asks me to install HEX and stops there.

that’s the problem I’m having

Tried copying over the $HOME/.hex directory as well then? I think on Windows $HOME was something like C:\Users\<YOU>\AppData\Roaming or close to it.


This worked!

C:\Users<YOU>\ .mix
C:\Users<YOU>\ .hex

just copied those over from my dev machine