A wise man once said: “If you book them, they will come.”
Thus, I have created a new Elixir meet-up group in Oslo, Norway!
I would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word on LinkedIn by sharing this post:
A wise man once said: “If you book them, they will come.”
Thus, I have created a new Elixir meet-up group in Oslo, Norway!
I would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word on LinkedIn by sharing this post:
To my surprise, 31 people have already joined my meet-up group.
Looks like there’s interest for Elixir in Oslo after all.
I’m currently looking for sponsorships for food and a good venue for our first meet-up, which will likely be a very basic and high-level introduction to Erlang/OTP and Elixir.
Somehow, the link to my LinkedIn post in the OP broke. Here’s a new one:
We are having our first meetup in Oslo on the 21st of January at 18:00.
Feel free to join if you happen to be in town.
Please help me reach more relevant people by retweeing this if you can
23 people showed up to our first meetup in Oslo today.
Super exciting to see so many people show up! It was a blast.