As the title says. Has anyone managed to create a scratch
Docker container that can run Erlang/Elixir apps?
Is it even worth it? Even for running a release you have to install dependencies and doing that without a package manager must be fun.
Because my boss wants to
your boss sounds like they value vanity more than practicality
most bosses do
if you’re in a situation where you’re forced to do this because of “reasons,” my condolences. Just trace your way down the stack of dockerfiles from an existing “ready for prod” erlang/elixir image until you hit scratch
Is it even worth it? Even for running a release you have to install dependencies and doing that without a package manager must be fun.
This is not necessarily true. OP could have access to a private container registry and just recreate the aforementioned stack in private images.
Here’s something I did a while back: GitHub - sindrip/scratch_release
scratch_release | Hex
Feel free to let me know if it works for you, the code is quite simple.