Elixir Remote Debugging


While answering a StackOverflow question on how to debug an elixir node running remotely, I thought it may be helpful to write a tutorial on how to connect to a remote node from your local node and use the debugger GUI to debug a running production app by adding breakpoints. Screenshots included. Here’s the link : https://crypt.codemancers.com/posts/2017-11-22-elixir-remote-debugging/


To supplement this, if you wanna using debugger for a mix release running in remote node, make sure:

  • option :strip_beams is false
  • include :debugger in extra applications

Or, the debugger will not work as you expected.


Support for remote debugging will be added in the next ElixirLS version. See elixir-ls/README.md at master · elixir-lsp/elixir-ls · GitHub

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