Elixir Software Engineer - Level All, Remote USA

Level All is a fast-growing media and technology company. Our mission is to provide every high school and postsecondary school student in the US with the support and guidance needed to realize their lifelong dreams. We are deeply passionate about our mission and are working diligently to tackle some big and previously unsolved problems in Education. We embrace inclusivity and are building a diverse team with people from a wide variety of cultural and life experiences. We’re looking for an Elixir Software Engineer to add to our team.

About us

My name: John Cline
My position: Head of Engineering
Company name: Level All
Company website: https://www.levelall.com/
Company headquarters (country): NYC, USA
Company info and history (how you’re using Elixir etc): Founded in 2019, has gone through a few different iterations but currently finding our best fit with school districts, colleges, workforce development programs, and other community organizations who use our expert-created content as part of their curriculum. Our web applications are all Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView, with the exception of our third party CMS (Sanity) that runs on React/Typescript. The current team is 10 engineers, and we are looking to grow that team to help accomplish our business goals over the coming year.

About the job

Job title: Elixir Software Engineer
Job description:
We’re looking for an Elixir Software Engineer to contribute to our core web platform and supporting applications built in Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, TypeScript, and Tailwind, AlpineJS backed with a Postgres database.

You’ll work with Engineering, Product, and Design teammates to help ship new features to make our platform more engaging for students and other learners, and more useful and valuable for the schools and community organizations we partner with.

Our engineering team enjoys collaboration, and you’ll do a mix of pairing, code review, discuss new processes or improvements to our codebase, provide feedback on product and design requirements, and your own deep work on any given day.

As the number of students using our platform grows, you’ll also help fix any bugs that are found, improve the overall quality of our code through addressing tech debt and automated testing, and reducing complexity.

Salary range: $120,000 - $150,000
Qualifications or experience required:

  • Have at least three years of professional software engineering experience
  • Have worked with Elixir (or another functional language) in production for at least two years
  • Experience building web apps with Phoenix and LiveView
  • A product mindset and driven by helping our users
  • Understand software engineering is a team effort and enjoy communicating and collaborating with your team
  • Be excited to work in a startup environment with agile-ish processes
  • Have worked on a remote or hybrid team before

What the successful job applicant will be working on: mostly on our primary application that powers our website, adding new features and functionality and improving the current codebase. Some recent features we’ve worked on were adding document upload support, redesigning some of the content views, and integrating with APIs that provide student and educator information.

Position on remote work

Remote job: Yes
Remote restrictions: USA (and certain states in the US)
Remote leeway: No leeway unfortunately
Any other notes about your position on remote work: If someone is located in NYC, they are welcome to work from our office in Midtown (but not expected).

About the interview process

The rough format is:

  • Screen with our head of HR (mostly on logistics and company basics)
  • Background Interview with me (Head of Engineering) - digging into your experience and projects you’ve worked on
  • Technical Interview - Pairing, adding functionality to a basic Elixir/Phoenix application
  • Second Technical Interview
    • For midlevel candidates: Pairing, debugging an Elixir/Phoenix application
    • For senior candidates: System Design, creating a system diagram and business logic for a new system
  • Product Interview - meeting with either product manager or designer to learn more about cross-functional team
  • CEO Interview - opportunity to ask any questions about the broader company or business

Further info

Please apply to the role through the job posting: Level All Elixir Software Engineer | SmartRecruiters


Hi John! I just sent along an application. Looking forward to learning more.