Elixir structs vs Erlang records


Does anyone know why Elixir structures are implemented on top of Erlang maps, but not on top of Erlang records (tuples)? For me, Erlang records are looking more natural then maps for basement of Elixir structs, and besides in some cases it seems performance of records is better (for example in pattern matching), take a look:

iex(2)> defmodule Hello do
...(2)> defstruct [:foo]
...(2)> end
{:module, Hello,
 <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 5, 144, 66, 69, 65, 77, 65, 116, 85, 56, 0, 0, 0, 182,
   0, 0, 0, 18, 12, 69, 108, 105, 120, 105, 114, 46, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 8,
   95, 95, 105, 110, 102, 111, 95, 95, 7, ...>>, %Hello{foo: nil}}
iex(3)> struct = %Hello{foo: 123}
%Hello{foo: 123}
iex(4)> fn -> 1..1000000 |> Enum.each(fn(_) -> %Hello{foo: foo} = struct; foo end) end |> :timer.tc  
{13719674, :ok} 
iex(5)> record = {Hello, 123}
{Hello, 123}
iex(6)> fn -> 1..1000000 |> Enum.each(fn(_) -> {Hello, foo} = record; foo end) end |> :timer.tc
{565886, :ok}

Of course, you can say - ā€œIf you like Erlang records, just use itā€, but Elixir infrastructure is very coupled with structs/maps - they are used everywhere (Ecto, Phoenix, Plug, Elixir standard libraries). So if Iā€™m using Elixir, I donā€™t really have a choice - I have to use structs/maps


There is a good answer from Jose here about the choice of struct vs record.



Please, please, donā€™t benchmark in the shell. The shell runs an interpreter and not the compiled code. The result will probably will be wildly different.


Indeed, here it is in Benchee, I tried to prevent certain optimizations from happening by interning the test data in different modules than that which is accessed so things like the record macroā€™s donā€™t get optimized out and so forth (records were a lot faster than structs before I made that change).

Code struct_record_bench.exs:

defmodule AStruct1 do
  defstruct [a: 1]
  def news1(), do: %__MODULE__{}

defmodule AStruct9 do
  defstruct [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9]
  def news9(), do: %__MODULE__{}

defmodule ARecords do
  import Record
  defrecord :aRecord1, [a: 1]
  defrecord :aRecord9, [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9]
  def newr1(), do: aRecord1()
  def newr9(), do: aRecord9()

defmodule StructRecordBench do
  import AStruct1
  import AStruct9
  import ARecords

  def classifiers(), do: [:get, :put]

  def time_mult(_), do: 2

  def inputs(_) do

  def actions(:get) do
      "Struct1" => fn -> news1().a end,
      "Struct9-first" => fn -> news9().a end,
      "Struct9-last" => fn -> news9().i end,
      "Record1" => fn -> aRecord1(newr1(), :a) end,
      "Record9-first" => fn -> aRecord9(newr9(), :a) end,
      "Record9-last" => fn -> aRecord9(newr9(), :i) end,

  def actions(:put) do
      "Struct1" => fn -> %{news1() | a: 42} end,
      "Struct1-opt" => fn -> %AStruct1{news1() | a: 42} end,
      "Struct9-first" => fn -> %{news9() | a: 42} end,
      "Struct9-first-opt" => fn -> %AStruct9{news9() | a: 42} end,
      "Struct9-last" => fn -> %{news9() | i: 42} end,
      "Struct9-last-opt" => fn -> %AStruct9{news9() | i: 42} end,
      "Record1" => fn -> aRecord1(newr1(), a: 42) end,
      "Record9-first" => fn -> aRecord9(newr9(), a: 42) end,
      "Record9-last" => fn -> aRecord9(newr9(), i: 42) end,


ā•°ā”€āž¤  mix bench struct_record           

Benchmarking Classifier:  get

Operating System: Linux"
CPU Information: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor
Number of Available Cores: 6
Available memory: 15.67 GB
Elixir 1.7.4
Erlang 21.1.1

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 2 s
memory time: 2 s
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 36 s

Benchmarking Record1...
Benchmarking Record9-first...
Benchmarking Record9-last...
Benchmarking Struct1...
Benchmarking Struct9-first...
Benchmarking Struct9-last...

Name                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Record9-last        23.29 M      0.0429 Ī¼s   Ā±107.83%      0.0400 Ī¼s      0.0700 Ī¼s
Record9-first       22.06 M      0.0453 Ī¼s     Ā±5.87%      0.0440 Ī¼s      0.0550 Ī¼s
Record1             21.61 M      0.0463 Ī¼s    Ā±10.12%      0.0450 Ī¼s      0.0640 Ī¼s
Struct9-first       18.14 M      0.0551 Ī¼s    Ā±19.80%      0.0560 Ī¼s      0.0660 Ī¼s
Struct1             17.93 M      0.0558 Ī¼s     Ā±8.76%      0.0560 Ī¼s      0.0700 Ī¼s
Struct9-last        17.46 M      0.0573 Ī¼s     Ā±6.31%      0.0560 Ī¼s      0.0720 Ī¼s

Record9-last        23.29 M
Record9-first       22.06 M - 1.06x slower
Record1             21.61 M - 1.08x slower
Struct9-first       18.14 M - 1.28x slower
Struct1             17.93 M - 1.30x slower
Struct9-last        17.46 M - 1.33x slower

Memory usage statistics:

Name             Memory usage
Record9-last             72 B
Record9-first            72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record1                  72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Struct9-first            72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Struct1                  72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Struct9-last             72 B - 1.00x memory usage

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

Benchmarking Classifier:  put

Operating System: Linux"
CPU Information: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor
Number of Available Cores: 6
Available memory: 15.67 GB
Elixir 1.7.4
Erlang 21.1.1

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 2 s
memory time: 2 s
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 54 s

Benchmarking Record1...
Benchmarking Record9-first...
Benchmarking Record9-last...
Benchmarking Struct1...
Benchmarking Struct1-opt...
Benchmarking Struct9-first...
Benchmarking Struct9-first-opt...
Benchmarking Struct9-last...
Benchmarking Struct9-last-opt...

Name                        ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Record1                 18.38 M      0.0544 Ī¼s   Ā±691.86%      0.0500 Ī¼s       0.120 Ī¼s
Record9-first           15.52 M      0.0644 Ī¼s   Ā±497.05%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.140 Ī¼s
Record9-last            15.45 M      0.0647 Ī¼s   Ā±539.09%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.150 Ī¼s
Struct1                 15.13 M      0.0661 Ī¼s   Ā±647.84%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.130 Ī¼s
Struct1-opt             14.48 M      0.0691 Ī¼s   Ā±327.02%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.110 Ī¼s
Struct9-first           14.31 M      0.0699 Ī¼s   Ā±309.43%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.160 Ī¼s
Struct9-first-opt       12.73 M      0.0786 Ī¼s   Ā±328.39%      0.0700 Ī¼s       0.130 Ī¼s
Struct9-last            11.66 M      0.0857 Ī¼s   Ā±414.23%      0.0800 Ī¼s        0.21 Ī¼s
Struct9-last-opt        10.74 M      0.0931 Ī¼s   Ā±322.63%      0.0800 Ī¼s        0.21 Ī¼s

Record1                 18.38 M
Record9-first           15.52 M - 1.18x slower
Record9-last            15.45 M - 1.19x slower
Struct1                 15.13 M - 1.21x slower
Struct1-opt             14.48 M - 1.27x slower
Struct9-first           14.31 M - 1.28x slower
Struct9-first-opt       12.73 M - 1.44x slower
Struct9-last            11.66 M - 1.58x slower
Struct9-last-opt        10.74 M - 1.71x slower

Memory usage statistics:

Name                 Memory usage
Record1                      96 B
Record9-first               160 B - 1.67x memory usage
Record9-last                160 B - 1.67x memory usage
Struct1                     112 B - 1.17x memory usage
Struct1-opt                 112 B - 1.17x memory usage
Struct9-first               176 B - 1.83x memory usage
Struct9-first-opt           176 B - 1.83x memory usage
Struct9-last                176 B - 1.83x memory usage
Struct9-last-opt            176 B - 1.83x memory usage

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

So Records are faster in general (in all tested cases here actually) than Structs, but only marginally so, so much so that only the most performance sensitive code would really care, so in general most people shouldnā€™t care. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m surprised that putting the struct type in the update syntax doesnā€™t make it faster actually as it could infer some existing structure, but I guess that all it would be doing is adding an extra runtime check or so (hence the module-optional variants are slower in the end).

EDIT: Personal Opinion time: Personally Iā€™d prefer records were ubiquitous and used struct syntax (first class records in other words). Records in every language Iā€™ve seen are statically sized, there is no point in them being maps, especially if they ā€˜ownā€™ their module definition as structs do now then all the proper accessors for Access and extra data would all be accessible as they are for structs as well and as such by using those generated macroā€™s then you could generate getting/setting code that would be even more efficient than how structs work now. HOWEVER, Elixir is extremely poorly typed and doesnā€™t know what the type of a given thing would be, and Erlang works around that by requiring using the record name at all uses of a record variable, Elixir tries to be a little more succinct, and that succinctness is at odds with efficiency, and so the first-class syntax uses the slightly less efficient version in order for ease of use and relegates the more efficient version to a side set of macroā€™s since you require the names anyway. If Elixir had a decent typing system then youā€™d be able to have both efficiency and succinctness, but maybe thatā€™s for an Elixir 2.0 or something. ^.^

EDIT: Hmm, a possible workaround for the first-class syntax access would be just dispatching based on the ā€˜moduleā€™ in the type-tag of the record, it would be a ā€˜remote callā€™ on the BEAM but might be goodā€¦ I should testā€¦


Great benchmark!

In practice, wouldnā€™t the datastructureā€™s internals usually be read/patternmatched/created/modified from within the same module that defines it? So is preventing these optimizations justified?


In some cases sure, in those cases though then records are even much faster than structs (still not enough for ā€˜mostā€™ code to care though).

I went ahead and decided to test a more ā€˜directā€™ record interface, I added a new Record interface to emulate the back-end of if a front-end syntax were used (the start of it anyway, it could be more fleshed out).

The struct_record_bench.exs file now:

defmodule AStruct1 do
  defstruct [a: 1]
  def news1(), do: %__MODULE__{}

defmodule AStruct9 do
  defstruct [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9]
  def news9(), do: %__MODULE__{}

defmodule ARecords do
  import Record
  defrecord :aRecord1, [a: 1]
  defrecord :aRecord9, [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9]
  def newr1(), do: aRecord1()
  def newr9(), do: aRecord9()

defmodule BRecord do
  defmacro __using__(fields) do
    # Add more helpers and flesh out functions and checks if this should ever be actually 'used'
    mappings = fields|>Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0))|>Enum.with_index(1)
    ast_new = [quote do def new() do {__MODULE__, unquote_splicing(Enum.map(fields, &elem(&1, 1)))} end end]
    ast_fields = [quote do def fields() do unquote(fields) end end]
    ast_field = Enum.map(mappings, fn {k, i} ->
      quote do defmacro field(unquote(k)) do unquote(i) end end
    end) ++ [quote do defmacro field(k) do quote do unquote(__MODULE__).field_idx(unquote(k)) end end end]
    ast_field_idx = Enum.map(mappings, fn {k, i} -> quote do def field_idx(unquote(k)), do: unquote(i) end end)
    ast_get = [quote do defmacro get(r, k) do quote do elem(unquote(r), unquote(__MODULE__).field(unquote(k))) end end end]
    ast_put = [quote do defmacro put(r, k, v) do quote do put_elem(unquote(r), unquote(__MODULE__).field(unquote(k)), unquote(v)) end end end]
    {:__block__, [], ast_new++ast_fields++ast_field++ast_field_idx++ast_get++ast_put}

  defmacro get(r, k) do
    quote do
      r = unquote(r)
      elem(r, elem(r, 0).field_idx(unquote(k)))

  defmacro put(r, k, v) do
    quote do
      r = unquote(r)
      put_elem(r, elem(r, 0).field_idx(unquote(k)), unquote(v))

defmodule ARecord1 do
  use BRecord, [a: 1]

defmodule ARecord9 do
  use BRecord, [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9]

defmodule StructRecordBench do
  import AStruct1
  import AStruct9
  import ARecords
  require BRecord
  require ARecord1
  require ARecord9

  def classifiers(), do: [:get, :put]

  def time_mult(_), do: 2

  def inputs(_) do

  def actions(:get) do
      "Struct1" => fn -> news1().a end,
      "Struct9-first" => fn -> news9().a end,
      "Struct9-last" => fn -> news9().i end,
      "Record1-stock" => fn -> aRecord1(newr1(), :a) end,
      "Record1-remote" => fn -> ARecord1.new() |> BRecord.get(:a) end,
      "Record1-direct" => fn -> ARecord1.new() |> ARecord1.get(:a) end,
      "Record9-first-stock" => fn -> aRecord9(newr9(), :a) end,
      "Record9-first-remote" => fn -> ARecord9.new() |> BRecord.get(:a) end,
      "Record9-first-direct" => fn -> ARecord9.new() |> ARecord9.get(:a) end,
      "Record9-last-stock" => fn -> aRecord9(newr9(), :i) end,
      "Record9-last-remote" => fn -> ARecord9.new() |> BRecord.get(:i) end,
      "Record9-last-direct" => fn -> ARecord9.new() |> ARecord9.get(:i) end,

  def actions(:put) do
      "Struct1" => fn -> %{news1() | a: 42} end,
      "Struct1-opt" => fn -> %AStruct1{news1() | a: 42} end,
      "Struct9-first" => fn -> %{news9() | a: 42} end,
      "Struct9-first-opt" => fn -> %AStruct9{news9() | a: 42} end,
      "Struct9-last" => fn -> %{news9() | i: 42} end,
      "Struct9-last-opt" => fn -> %AStruct9{news9() | i: 42} end,
      "Record1-stock" => fn -> aRecord1(newr1(), a: 42) end,
      "Record1-remote" => fn -> ARecord1.new() |> BRecord.put(:a, 42) end,
      "Record1-direct" => fn -> ARecord1.new() |> ARecord1.put(:a, 42) end,
      "Record9-first-stock" => fn -> aRecord9(newr9(), a: 42) end,
      "Record9-first-remote" => fn -> ARecord9.new() |> BRecord.put(:a, 42) end,
      "Record9-first-direct" => fn -> ARecord9.new() |> ARecord9.put(:a, 42) end,
      "Record9-last-stock" => fn -> aRecord9(newr9(), i: 42) end,
      "Record9-last-remote" => fn -> ARecord9.new() |> BRecord.put(:i, 42) end,
      "Record9-last-direct" => fn -> ARecord9.new() |> ARecord9.put(:i, 42) end,

Essentially the ā€˜stockā€™ is the Elixir stock record interface, the ā€˜directā€™ is what an optimized type-aware setup would do (ala requiring the use of the record ā€˜nameā€™ in the usages, like in Erlang), and the ā€˜remoteā€™ is what a dynamic dispatch interface would look (so something like elixirā€™s existing struct syntax with no known type information). And the results:

ā•°ā”€āž¤  mix bench struct_record                                                                                                      1 ā†µ

Benchmarking Classifier: get

Operating System: Linux"
CPU Information: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor
Number of Available Cores: 6
Available memory: 15.67 GB
Elixir 1.7.4
Erlang 21.1.1

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 2 s
memory time: 2 s
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 1.20 min

Benchmarking Record1-direct...
Benchmarking Record1-remote...
Benchmarking Record1-stock...
Benchmarking Record9-first-direct...
Benchmarking Record9-first-remote...
Benchmarking Record9-first-stock...
Benchmarking Record9-last-direct...
Benchmarking Record9-last-remote...
Benchmarking Record9-last-stock...
Benchmarking Struct1...
Benchmarking Struct9-first...
Benchmarking Struct9-last...

Name                           ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Record1-direct             23.80 M      0.0420 Ī¼s    Ā±81.53%      0.0400 Ī¼s      0.0600 Ī¼s
Record9-first-stock        23.12 M      0.0433 Ī¼s   Ā±102.29%      0.0400 Ī¼s      0.0800 Ī¼s
Record9-first-direct       22.25 M      0.0449 Ī¼s     Ā±5.41%      0.0440 Ī¼s      0.0530 Ī¼s
Record9-last-direct        22.25 M      0.0450 Ī¼s     Ā±4.85%      0.0440 Ī¼s      0.0530 Ī¼s
Record9-last-stock         22.04 M      0.0454 Ī¼s     Ā±6.16%      0.0440 Ī¼s      0.0540 Ī¼s
Record1-stock              22.03 M      0.0454 Ī¼s     Ā±6.26%      0.0440 Ī¼s      0.0540 Ī¼s
Struct9-last               18.52 M      0.0540 Ī¼s    Ā±22.96%      0.0500 Ī¼s      0.0800 Ī¼s
Struct9-first              18.45 M      0.0542 Ī¼s     Ā±6.64%      0.0550 Ī¼s      0.0640 Ī¼s
Struct1                    18.16 M      0.0551 Ī¼s     Ā±8.19%      0.0550 Ī¼s      0.0680 Ī¼s
Record1-remote             12.31 M      0.0812 Ī¼s     Ā±7.58%      0.0800 Ī¼s      0.0930 Ī¼s
Record9-last-remote        11.83 M      0.0845 Ī¼s     Ā±4.51%      0.0830 Ī¼s      0.0970 Ī¼s
Record9-first-remote       11.76 M      0.0850 Ī¼s     Ā±4.73%      0.0840 Ī¼s      0.0980 Ī¼s

Record1-direct             23.80 M
Record9-first-stock        23.12 M - 1.03x slower
Record9-first-direct       22.25 M - 1.07x slower
Record9-last-direct        22.25 M - 1.07x slower
Record9-last-stock         22.04 M - 1.08x slower
Record1-stock              22.03 M - 1.08x slower
Struct9-last               18.52 M - 1.29x slower
Struct9-first              18.45 M - 1.29x slower
Struct1                    18.16 M - 1.31x slower
Record1-remote             12.31 M - 1.93x slower
Record9-last-remote        11.83 M - 2.01x slower
Record9-first-remote       11.76 M - 2.02x slower

Memory usage statistics:

Name                    Memory usage
Record1-direct                  72 B
Record9-first-stock             72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record9-first-direct            72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record9-last-direct             72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record9-last-stock              72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record1-stock                   72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Struct9-last                    72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Struct9-first                   72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Struct1                         72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record1-remote                  72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record9-last-remote             72 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record9-first-remote            72 B - 1.00x memory usage

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

Benchmarking Classifier: put

Operating System: Linux"
CPU Information: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor
Number of Available Cores: 6
Available memory: 15.67 GB
Elixir 1.7.4
Erlang 21.1.1

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 2 s
memory time: 2 s
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 1.50 min

Benchmarking Record1-direct...
Benchmarking Record1-remote...
Benchmarking Record1-stock...
Benchmarking Record9-first-direct...
Benchmarking Record9-first-remote...
Benchmarking Record9-first-stock...
Benchmarking Record9-last-direct...
Benchmarking Record9-last-remote...
Benchmarking Record9-last-stock...
Benchmarking Struct1...
Benchmarking Struct1-opt...
Benchmarking Struct9-first...
Benchmarking Struct9-first-opt...
Benchmarking Struct9-last...
Benchmarking Struct9-last-opt...

Name                           ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Record1-stock              18.63 M      0.0537 Ī¼s   Ā±736.59%      0.0500 Ī¼s       0.120 Ī¼s
Record1-direct             17.69 M      0.0565 Ī¼s   Ā±759.41%      0.0500 Ī¼s       0.120 Ī¼s
Record9-first-stock        15.75 M      0.0635 Ī¼s   Ā±391.04%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.140 Ī¼s
Record9-last-direct        15.54 M      0.0644 Ī¼s   Ā±554.63%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.140 Ī¼s
Record9-first-direct       15.49 M      0.0645 Ī¼s   Ā±566.52%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.150 Ī¼s
Record9-last-stock         15.46 M      0.0647 Ī¼s   Ā±512.37%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.150 Ī¼s
Struct1                    15.11 M      0.0662 Ī¼s   Ā±603.05%      0.0600 Ī¼s       0.130 Ī¼s
Struct9-first              13.87 M      0.0721 Ī¼s   Ā±359.95%      0.0600 Ī¼s        0.20 Ī¼s
Struct1-opt                13.45 M      0.0744 Ī¼s   Ā±292.42%      0.0700 Ī¼s       0.140 Ī¼s
Struct9-first-opt          12.81 M      0.0781 Ī¼s   Ā±332.89%      0.0700 Ī¼s       0.120 Ī¼s
Struct9-last               11.68 M      0.0856 Ī¼s   Ā±390.60%      0.0800 Ī¼s       0.170 Ī¼s
Struct9-last-opt           11.46 M      0.0873 Ī¼s   Ā±261.13%      0.0800 Ī¼s       0.130 Ī¼s
Record1-remote              9.77 M       0.102 Ī¼s   Ā±232.22%       0.100 Ī¼s        0.22 Ī¼s
Record9-first-remote        9.28 M       0.108 Ī¼s   Ā±147.97%       0.100 Ī¼s       0.170 Ī¼s
Record9-last-remote         9.17 M       0.109 Ī¼s   Ā±177.88%       0.100 Ī¼s        0.20 Ī¼s

Record1-stock              18.63 M
Record1-direct             17.69 M - 1.05x slower
Record9-first-stock        15.75 M - 1.18x slower
Record9-last-direct        15.54 M - 1.20x slower
Record9-first-direct       15.49 M - 1.20x slower
Record9-last-stock         15.46 M - 1.21x slower
Struct1                    15.11 M - 1.23x slower
Struct9-first              13.87 M - 1.34x slower
Struct1-opt                13.45 M - 1.38x slower
Struct9-first-opt          12.81 M - 1.45x slower
Struct9-last               11.68 M - 1.59x slower
Struct9-last-opt           11.46 M - 1.63x slower
Record1-remote              9.77 M - 1.91x slower
Record9-first-remote        9.28 M - 2.01x slower
Record9-last-remote         9.17 M - 2.03x slower

Memory usage statistics:

Name                    Memory usage
Record1-stock                   96 B
Record1-direct                  96 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record9-first-stock            160 B - 1.67x memory usage
Record9-last-direct            160 B - 1.67x memory usage
Record9-first-direct           160 B - 1.67x memory usage
Record9-last-stock             160 B - 1.67x memory usage
Struct1                        112 B - 1.17x memory usage
Struct9-first                  176 B - 1.83x memory usage
Struct1-opt                    112 B - 1.17x memory usage
Struct9-first-opt              176 B - 1.83x memory usage
Struct9-last                   176 B - 1.83x memory usage
Struct9-last-opt               176 B - 1.83x memory usage
Record1-remote                  96 B - 1.00x memory usage
Record9-first-remote           160 B - 1.67x memory usage
Record9-last-remote            160 B - 1.67x memory usage

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

So first of all, the stock and direct should be identical if I apply all optimizations to the direct version as stock already has, even without it (a single opcode change from the looks of it, meh right now, close enough) itā€™s still almost identical. As for direct it is doing a remote (I.E. slow) module function call (ah if only we had tuple calls still to save the ugly elem'ing stuff on the call, then we really could ā€œright nowā€ have a native looking syntax, but tuple calls got broke in the latest OTP version, permanentlyā€¦), so it should be slower in general and so it is. Some of these calls were slower on older BEAMā€™s so that is probably why mapā€™s were picked when maps came out for ā€˜structsā€™ but nowadays Iā€™m not sure if there is a reason to having picked maps over tagged tuples for records as in the traditional cases you still put the type for 'putā€™ing %StructName{..|..} as well as could easily come up with something similar for optimized ā€˜getā€™ call). You still have unknown-record fallback capabilities as well with this even if a touch slower.

Still, it was a fun test, I really do wish Elixir Structs were tagged tuples underneath as it would make working in the Erlang ecosystem easier. ^.^


The primary advantage of structs over records is readability. I can take any struct, print it anytime and it will be readable. With records, you can easily get an unreadable pile of nested tuples - itā€™s a huge pain when working with Erlang APIs. Another huge disadvantage of records is during upgrades - changing the record structure correctly is extremely hard when you have the ā€œnewā€ modules with the new definition of the records that need to handle the old records. For that reason, I know that some Erlang codebases donā€™t use records at all, but rather prefer proplists, which are a poor-manā€™s version of maps.


To be honest, I think the readability of map-based structs is greatly improved because of Elixirā€™s syntactic sugar that turns %{a: 1, b: 2, __struct__: Foo} into %Foo{a: 1, b: 2}. But of course even without that you are able to see the names of the different fields; is this what you mean?

As for upgrading: This is definitely a place where map-based structs are better than tuple-based records! :+1:


Thatā€™s why you have an inspect for them. Unlike the older Elixir days pre-consolidation (and my ProtocolEx can handle tagged tuples fine and faster than Elixirā€™s Protocols) the protocol can know precisely what is supported and what is not and such a default implementation could even by specified by the defbetterrecord call itself (or via an option in case they want to override it, or add an __inspect__ method in the module as a fallback or whatever, lots of options).

With my above defined BRecords module you could easily have upgrade functions specified inside it then protocol dispatch an upgrade path along them (and other things if needed), or just call the functions straight to upgrade them. You have to do similar things to maps and structs anyway as data formats change, a string might need to become a list in whatever field, etcā€¦ etcā€¦ It is good to reify those to a specific area and just pass in the needed upgrade information as always. I never had issues with that all in Erlang.

I never actually ran across a library that used proplists as their ā€˜stateā€™ store, records or trivial values Iā€™ve always seen. That sounds like a very bad way to handle the code and would make dialyzer typing it a bit more irritating as well (though with such codebases I wonder if they used dialyzer at all).

You could have identical syntax for records though, that exact same %Foo{a: 1, b: 2} could easily generate a Foo record.

Still unsure about that, with maps itā€™s easy to keep old useless data polluting it, more irritating to Dialyze, takes up more space, takes longer to update unless itā€™s truly huge, and I still think it is a bad BAD idea to upgrade state in-place, you should always decompose an old version and build a new version just to make sure dialyzer helps catch issues (which it would not otherwise on upgrades since it ā€˜assumesā€™ the old version types would be the new already unless you explicitly override it), to make sure you donā€™t miss something (with a map you can forget a key pretty easily, not so with records), among other things.

All of this would of course be far far more sensible and direct if Elixir actually had a half decent type system, dynamic typing is a horror and is the reason why this is an issue at allā€¦ >.<


Totally agree, and I hope at least one of these projects will be usable somedayā€¦

Just off-topic comment because you mentioned type systems :slight_smile:

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Heh, Iā€™m well known around here as the proponent for good type systems. ^.^;

I made a Gradualixir plugin for mix that lets you use gradualizer like you can use dialyzer if you are curious. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s not on hex.pm (use it from github master) since gradualizer is incomplete yet and thus not on hex.pm yet, and you canā€™t put things on hex.pm that depend on something thatā€™s not on hex.pm. :slight_smile:


I think in the end, the main advantage that maps have over records, is that they contain the names of the fields they contain right there, rather than these being position-dependent.
This has great advantages for introspection, pattern-matching and dispatch.

some of that could be built on top of a tuple-based system, but not all. Most importantly, knowing the field names of a record is only possible whenever the record definition itself is in scope.

True but in a tagged tuple tagged with a module then getting the field names is just as simple as something like elem(thing, 0).fields() or whatever information you want. Plus you could have another encoding scheme that just encodes it into it, perhaps in-position like {Blah, {:a, 1}, {:b, 2}} or maybe as metadata at the end or so like {Blah, 1, 2, [:a, :b]} or there are tons of other possible format as well. Hmm, ideasā€¦

Or maybe something like:

{{:__struct__, :a, :b}, Blah, 1, 2}

Oh, wait. Thatā€™s almost exactly how structs on top of small maps are implemented :wink:

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Lol, it is exactly, and that would work well though it decomposes into 2 elem calls then, they are quite cheap though. ^.^
There are many styles to represent such a thing, though with how rare needing the names are Iā€™d still think just putting them on the parent module is overall best, uses much less memory in the representation and makes it far easier to serialize (though if you kept the names in the representation and maybe a version key then you could implement fairly transparent migrations, hmm, structs could do that as wellā€¦).