Elixir v1.12.0-rc.0 released

Thank you!

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I knew they were good ideas! I wonder if anyone would dig any of the other functions I’ve found useful so far :thinking:


Mix.install is a perfect new feature. I am already using that to perform some scripting on my servers. I would like to split my logic into modules and put each module in its own file. Is using Code.require_file in the main script the right approach to use? Thanks. :slight_smile:


If you want to start adding some structure, then you most likely want to build a project then and rely on an escript. We are most likely not going to be supporting complex structures via scriptings. In any case, Code.require_file should work.


Thanks a lot for your reply, José. That makes sense. I meant like 2 or 3 files and I guess a project would be overkill for that. I will take a look at the escript anyway.

dig is already present in Elixir, it’s called get_in :slight_smile:

iex(12)> get_in(pets, [:dogs])
  %{favorite_toy: "rope", name: "Scrump"},
  %{favorite_toy: "ball", name: "Stitch"}
iex(13)> get_in(pets, [:cats, Access.at(1)])
%{favorite_toy: "laser pointer", name: "Janice"}
iex(14)> get_in(pets, [:hyenas, Access.at(0), "what is this"])
"oh no"
iex(15)> get_in(pets, [:dogs, Access.at(0), :favorite_food, :ingredients])

it also support custom lookup functions

from the documentation

    iex> users = [%{name: "john", age: 27}, %{name: "meg", age: 23}]
    iex> all = fn :get, data, next -> Enum.map(data, next) end
    iex> get_in(users, [all, :age])
    [27, 23]

in this case the all function could be replaced by the built in accessor helper function Access.all


It breaks at the tuple border

iex> nested  = [{:hi, [ho: %{hey: {"there", "how ya doin'?"}}]}]
[hi: [ho: %{hey: {"there", "how ya doin'?"}}]]
iex> get_in(nested, [:hi, :ho, :hey, Access.at(1)])             
** (RuntimeError) Access.at/1 expected a list, got: {"there", "how ya doin'?"}

Yes, because Access.at is defined only for lists, see elixir/access.ex at v1.11.4 · elixir-lang/elixir · GitHub

But you can defined a custom function that handles tuples.

True. I imagine that a similar custom tuple handler would have to be written by every project that may want to utilize Access on tuples, and I know (from having crashed my Phoenix enthusiasm train on this error multiple times with Guardian, Ueberauth, and Joken) that any project that wanted to utilize Access on any given struct would have to write one or two defimpls in order to do so. Once I find the time to put passive_support up on Hex, dig will just work, on tuples, structs, lists, keyword lists, and maps.

And now it can operate on entire lists like Access.all does for get_in


There is Access.elem for tuples.


I am not happy with the docstring for Kernel.then. It reads:

  @doc """
  Pipes `value` into the given `fun`.
  In other words, it invokes `fun` with `value` as argument.
  This is most commonly used in pipelines, allowing you
  to pipe a value to a function outside of its first argument.
  ### Examples
      iex> 1 |> then(fn x -> x * 2 end)

which is all correct but why is the given example a case where we are piping a value to a function as its first argument?

I would prefer an example like this:

  ### Examples
      iex> 1 |> then(fn x -> Enum.drop([1, 2, 3], x) end)
      [2, 3]

I made the smallest PR of all time: Provide a more fitting example of Kernel.then by peaceful-james · Pull Request #10956 · elixir-lang/elixir · GitHub

Just to to get my name in the git log hahahaha (joke)


Just out of curiosity, what kind of scripting do you need on your server? Is it for doing some kind of DevOps tasks?

Also, I wonder why I never heard of escripts!?

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Yes. Mainly some kind of maintenance. Periodically deleting old stuff that’s not needed anymore.

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